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Social Science Research Center Berlin
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- J.B. Lippincott & Co.'S Monthly Bulletin of New Publications (via EBSCO Host)
- Jaarverslag = Rapport Annuel = Annual Report / Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika
- Jahr-Buch der Gesellschaft für Lothringische Geschichte und Altertumskunde / Annuaire de la Societe d´Histoire et d´ Archeologie Lorraine
- Jahrbuch der Karl-May-Gesellschaft
- Jahrbuch des Fachbereichs Evangelische Theologie der Philipps-Universität Marburg
- Jahrbuch / Europäische Akademie der Arbeit
- Jahrbuch für Interkulturelle Ethik im Gesundheitswesen
- Jahrbuch : Genossenschaften in Baden-Württemberg / Baden-Württembergischer Genossenschaftsverband
- Jahrbuch Wald und Holz = Annuaire la Forêt et le Bois (2005-2016)
- Jahrbücher für Jüdische Geschichte und Literatur
- Jahresabschluss der KfW ...
- Jahresbericht Baden-Württemberg . Futtermittel
- Jahresbericht / Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen (früher: Jahresbericht / Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post)
- Jahresbericht der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Bern (1878-1882)
- Jahresbericht der Landwirtschaftskammer Rheinland / Bd. 3: Lage und Tätigkeitsbericht der Forschungs- und Untersuchungsinstitute
- Jahresbericht des Bundesarbeitsgerichts
- Jahresbericht des Präsidenten ... / Universität Koblenz-Landau
- Jahresbericht / Deutscher Naturschutzring
- Jahresbericht / Fachgruppe Ornithologie & Naturschutz Güstrow
- Jahresbericht : für d. Schuljahr / Helmholtzschule Realgymnasium Karlsruhe
- Jahresbericht ... / Hochschule Furtwangen
- Jahresbericht / JFF-Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis
- Jahresbericht meldepflichtige Infektionskrankheiten in Bayern
- Jahresbericht / Regierungspräsidium Freiburg
- Jahresbericht / Stiftung Eisen-Bibliothek und Konzernarchiv Georg-Fischer-AG
- Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften
- Jahresbericht / Universitätsbibliothek der LMU München
- Jahresbericht / Zentralmagazin Naturwissenschaftlicher Sammlungen der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
- Jahresberichte / Hamburgische Botanische Staatsinstitute
- Jahresprogramm / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / ForumNRW Weiterbildung für Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer
- JAMA Ophthalmology
- Janus : Sosiaalipolitiikan ja Sosiaalityön Tutkimuksen Aikakauslehti
- Japanese Journal of Antibiotics, The (2009 - älter als 6 Monate)
- Japanese Journal of Personality (2003-)
- JAPhA Pharmacotherapy
- Jazykovedný Casopis = Journal of Linguistics
- JeDEM - eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government
- Jerusalem Quarterly
- Jewish Quarterly Review, The (JQR) (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Jherings Jahrbücher für die Dogmatik des bürgerlichen Rechts
- Jiao Yu Xin Li Xue Bao = Bulletin of Educational Psychology
- Jindai-Zhongguoshi-yanjiu-tongxun = Newsletter for Modern Chinese History
- Jlis.it : Italian Journal of Library, Archives, and Information Science = Rivista Italiana di Biblioteconomia, Archivistica e Scienza dell'Informazione
- JOELHO. Revista de Cultura Arquitectónica
- Jón Rauði
- Jornal do Caso República: Jornalistas em Luta pela Liberdade de Expressão
- Journal Clinical Management Issues
- Journal De La Société De La Médicale De La Nouvelle Orleáns (via EBSCO Host)
- Journal der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie
- Journal des Sciences pour l'Ingénieur
- Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law (JEEPL)
- Journal for the Academic Study of Religion (formerly: Australian Religion Studies Review)
- Journal für Arbeitsschutz und Umwelt
- Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel und Muskuloskelettale Erkrankungen
- Journal Militaire
- Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
- Journal of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology
- Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine
- Journal of African Cultural Studies (Formerly African Languages and Cultures)
- Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (- 2014)
- Journal of Agriculture and Environment
- Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications
- Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons
- Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, The (JAPS)
- Journal of Apicultural Research
- Journal of Applied Computing Research
- Journal of Applied Logic
- Journal of Applied Research in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics
- Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy
- Journal of Arthroplasty, The
- Journal of Asian Mission
- Journal of Atrial Fibrillation (JAFIB)
- Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies
- Journal of Behçet Uz Children's Hospital
- Journal of Biogeography (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
- Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering (1999-)
- Journal of Brand Management
- Journal of Business and Media Psychology : JBMP
- Journal of Business Studies Quarterly
- Journal of Capital Markets Studies
- Journal of Caring Sciences (JCS)
- Journal of Centrum Cathedra : JCC
- Journal of Chemometrics
- Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine = Zhongxiyi-Jiehe-Xuebao (via CAJ)
- Journal of Civil and Human Rights (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of Clinical and Scientific Research : Official Publication of Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences
- Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology (via OVID)
- Journal of Cluster Science
- Journal of College Teaching & Learning
- Journal of Community Health Nursing (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of Complexity (älter als 48 Monate)
- Journal of Computed Tomography
- Journal of Conflict Resolution, The
- Journal of Contemporary Clinical Practice
- Journal of Convex Analysis
- Journal of Creative Writing Studies
- Journal of Crystallography
- Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation
- Journal of Dental Implants
- Journal of Developing Societies (2002-)
- Journal of Differential Geometry (JDG)
- Journal of Drug Assessment
- Journal of Earth Sciences / Royal Dublin Society
- Journal of Economic and Social Policy
- Journal of Economics (via PAO)
- Journal of Education (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation
- Journal of Elasticity
- Journal of Electronic Testing
- Journal of Employment Counseling
- Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development = مجلة الهندسة والتنمية المستدامة
- Journal of Enterprise Transformation
- Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)
- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (eJECH) (1947 -)
- Journal of Eurasian Studies
- Journal of Exercise Science & Physiotherapy
- Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution (JEZ)
- Journal of Farm Economics
- Journal of Financial Data Science
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Journal of Food Science and Technology
- Journal of Forestry and Estates Management
- Journal of Gambling Studies (Formerly: Journal of Gambling Behavior)
- Journal of Genetic Psychology : Developmental and Educational Psychology (formerly: Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of Genetic Psychology, Child Behavior, Animal Behavior and Comparative Psychology, The / Pedagogical Seminary) (via PAO)
- Journal of Geosciences / Osaka City University
- Journal of Global Information Technology Management
- Journal of Group Theory
- Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration (via JSTOR)
- Journal of Health Service Psychology
- Journal of High Energy Astrophysics
- Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services
- Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Medical Sciences) (via CAJ)
- Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies (JHSS)
- Journal of Iberian Geology (früher: Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica) (1970 - 2016)
- Journal of Indian Art, The (via BPC)
- Journal of Industrial Mathematics
- Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT)
- Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology
- Journal of Insurance, The (via JSTOR)
- Journal of Intelligent Medicine
- Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve
- Journal of International Engineering Education (JIEE)
- Journal of International Trade Law and Policy
- Journal of Investment and Management
- Journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences, The
- Journal of Kidney Cancer and VHL
- Journal of Latin American Studies
- Journal of Legal Anthropology (2020-)
- Journal of Life Sciences
- Journal of Location Based Services
- Journal of Mammalogy
- Journal of Manly Arts
- Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (aktuelle Jahrgänge)
- Journal of Math-for-Industry (JMI)
- Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery
- Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences
- Journal of Medical Primatology (1994-)
- Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies, The
- Journal of Microbiological Methods
- Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health (JMVFH)
- Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics
- Journal of Money Laundering Control
- Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility
- Journal of Narrative and Life History
- Journal of Neonatal Surgery
- Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery (JNIS)
- Journal of Neurotherapy
- Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership
- Journal of Nursing Administration (JONA) (via OVID)
- Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN) (1972-2015)
- Journal of Oleo Science
- Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Symposia
- Journal of Organizational Sociology
- Journal of Otology
- Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology (JPVB)
- Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (JPGN) (via OVID)
- Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Care in Pain & Symptom Control
- Journal of Philology and Intercultural Communication
- Journal of Physical Education & Health: Social Perspective
- Journal of Physiotherapy
- Journal of Plant Science and Research
- Journal of Political Sociology
- Journal of Posthumanism
- Journal of Primary Education
- Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics
- Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment (formerly: Journal of behavioral assessment)
- Journal of Public Mental Health
- Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
- Journal of Refractive Surgery
- Journal of Religious Ethics
- Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
- Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development
- Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life
- Journal of School Psychology
- Journal of Scottish Philosophy
- Journal of Service Science and Management (JSSM)
- Journal of Slavic Linguistics (JSL) (2008 -)
- Journal of Social Inclusion
- Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare (älter als 24 Monate)
- Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement
- Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders
- Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
- Journal of Structural Fire Engineering
- Journal of Surgical Research
- Journal of Synagogue Music
- Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria
- Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (1821-1842) (via EBSCO Host)
- Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC)
- Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association
- Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) (1978-)
- Journal of the Biological Board of Canada
- Journal of the Chemical Society B, Physical Organic
- Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient = Journal de l'Histoire Economique et Sociale de l'Orient (via PAO)
- Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture / Kyushu University = Kyūshū-daigaku-nōgakubu-kiyō
- Journal of the Historical & Philosophical Society of Ohio (via EBSCO Host)
- Journal of the Indian Ocean Region
- Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology
- Journal of the Japanese Association of Regenerative Dentistry
- Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (via JSTOR)
- Journal of the Natural Areas Association (via JSTOR)
- Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science (2011 -)
- Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland, The (älter als 144 Jahre) (via JSTOR)
- Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
- Journal of the Textile Institute, The (formerly: Journal of the Textile Institute / Part 1 and Part 2)
- Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology (formerly: Theoretical and philosophical psychology)
- Journal of Tissue Viability
- Journal of Transformative Education
- Journal of Tree Fruit Production
- Journal of Undergraduate Medical Education and Research
- Journal of Vaccines
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Education (JVME)
- Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases (JVRD)
- Journal of Welsh Ecclesiastical History ,The
- Journal of World Christianity, The (aktuelle Jahrgänge)
- Journal of Ziya Gokalp Faculty of Education
- Journal Politique et Philosophique ou Considérations Périodiques sur les Rapports des Événemens du Tems avec les Principes de l' Art Social...
- JoVE (ältere Jahrgänge)
- Joven Naturalista, O
- JTEKT Engineering Journal (JEJ) / English Edition
- Jüdische Presse, Die: Konservative Wochenschrift ; Centralorgan des Misrachi
- Jugendhilfe-Report
- Junta pública de la Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Valencia Celebrada (via GALE)
- Juristische Ausbildung und Praxisvorbereitung : JAP (via RDB)
- Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi (JET)
- Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro (JNTE)
- Jurnal Teknosains : Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universita Gadjah Mada
- Justiz, Die : Amtsblatt des Justizministeriums Baden-Württemberg
- Juznoe Sijanie