by subject
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- L'Année Psychanalytique Internationale
- Laboratory Animal Research
- Labour Market Statistics
- Ladies' Magazine (Massachusetts, 1834) (via EBSCO Host)
- Lady's Monthly Journal of Fashion (via EBSCO Host)
- Lahrer hinkende Bote in der Pfalz, Der
- Lancet Public Health, The
- Landes-Regierungs-Blatt für das Kronland Venedig = Bollettino delle leggi e degli atti ufficiali per le Provincie Venete
- Landkreistag KOMPAKT ( früher: Mitteilungen / Bayerischer Landkreistag)
- Landtagswahl: Heft 4, Ergebnisse nach Wahlkreisen und Gemeinden in Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Language (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Language in India
- Langues Modernes, Les: La Revue Trimestrielle de l'Association des Professeurs des Langues Vivantes de l'Enseignement Public
- Large Scale Semantic Access to Content (RIAO)
- Latigazo: Periódico de Manila
- Latin American Regional Reports : Andean Group
- Latvijas Republikas Senāta spriedumi un lēmumi / Latvijas Republikas Senāts
- Law and Literature (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Law, Technology and Humans
- Leadership Journal
- Least Developed Countries Report, The
- Lëd i Sneg = Ice and Snow
- Legasthenie & Dyskalkulie News
- Lehrkräfte : obligatorische Schule und Sekundarstufe II
- Leistungskatalog für die Praxis
- Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies
- Letopis' na Bălgarskoto Kniovno Druestvo v Sofija = Annals of the Bulgarian Literary Society in Sofia
- Letters in Biomathematics
- Leukemia
- Lexis. Revista de Lingüística y Literatura
- Liberal, El
- Library Hall Bulletin (via EBSCO Host)
- Libro e la Stampa, Il
- Liegenschaftszinssätze und Rohertragsfaktoren für Mehrfamilienhäuser. Thüringen. Erfurt
- Life of the spirit (via JSTOR)
- Ligue : Organe Belge du Droit des Femmes, La (via Gerritsen Collection)
- Lin Chuang Gan Dan Bing Za Zhi = Chinese Journal of Clinical Hepatology
- Lingua : Language & Culture
- Linguistic Variation Yearbook : LIVY (2001-2010)
- Link Discovery (LinkKKD)
- Liquid Crystals and their Application : Russian Journal
- Literacy & Numeracy Studies: An International Journal in the Education and Training of Adults
- Literary Gazette, or, Journal of Criticism, Science, & the Arts (via EBSCO Host)
- Literary Speculum (via BPC)
- Literature Film Quarterly (2017 -)
- Litoral: Revista de la Poesía, el Arte y el Pensamiento (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Little Data Book on Gender in Africa , The
- Livestock and Poultry
- Llên Cymru
- Loci Communes: International Journal of Studies on Spaces in Arts and Humanities, Anthropology and Architecture
- Logistic Capability of Trade Survey, The ...
Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. Section Economical and Administrative Sciences
Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. Section Economical and Administrative Sciences |
Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. Section Law |
Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. Section Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences |
Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. Section Political Sciences and European Studies |
Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty. Section Social Sciences |
Logos : Zeitschrift für Systematische Philosophie |
Logosphère: Revue d'Études Linguistiques et Littéraires |
Lohmann-Information |
Lohn + Gehalt |
Lohn und Gehalt direkt digital |
Lohnsteuer-Mitteilungen |
Lohnsteuer-Update (LStUPD) (via Beck) |
Lohos = Логос; Bohoslovs'kyj Kvartal'nyk |
Loi Canadienne sur la Santé : Rapport Annuel |
Loi sur l'Accès à l'Information et la Loi sur la Protection des Renseignements Personnels : Rapport Annuel |
Loi sur la Protection d'Espèces Animales ou Végétales Sauvages et la Réglementation de leur Commerce International et Interprovincial : Rapport de ... |
Loi sur le Développement de la Pêche : Rapport Annuel |
Loi sur le Financement des Petites Entreprises du Canada / Rapport d'Examen Détaillé |
Loi sur les Langues Officielles ; Mise en Oeuvre de l'article 41 de la Partie VII |
Loi sur les Ressources en Eau du Canada |
LOICZ Annual Report |
LOICZ Inprint |
Lois du Nouveau-Brunswick |
Lois et Actes du Gouvernement |
Loisir et Société = Society and Leisure |
Loisir et Société = Society and Leisure (2001) |
Loisirs Culturels |
Lok Sabha Debates : Official Report |
Lokal-Anzeiger für Friedenau: Amtliches Publikationsorgan des Amts- und Gemeinde-Vorstandes von Friedenau |
Lokalhistorisk Magasin |
Lokaratna |
Lokavishkar International E-Journal |
Lokman Hekim Dergisi = Mersin University School of Medicine Lokman Hekim Journal of History of Medicine and Folk Medicine |
Lokman Hekim Health Sciences |
Lokomotive, Die: Illustrierte Fachzeitung |
Lokus: Ljudi, Občestvo, Kulʹtury, Smysly / Moskovskij Pedagogičeskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet = Locus: People, Society, Culture, Meaning |
London Alfred, or, People's Recorder, The (via GALE) |
London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, The |
London Archaeologist |
London Business School Review |
London Co-operative Magazine, The (formerly: Co-operative Magazine and Monthly Herald) (via BPC) |
London Diplomatic List, The |
London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, The |
London Guide and Merchants Directory, The (via GALE) |
London Journal (formerly: The London Journal, and Weekly Record of Literature, Science, and Art) (via BPC) |
London Journal of Canadian Studies |
London Journal of Medicine (via JSTOR) |
London Journal of Primary Care |
London Journal; The (via BPC) |
London Journal, The |