Elektronische Zeitschriften
Social Science Research Center Berlin
by subject | by title | search | contact
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- C̆ernaja kniga Rastraty Bjudetnych sredstv v Respublike Moldova... = Чёрная книга растраты бюджет
- Cabo
- Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia
- Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar
- Cadet: A Monthly Magazine (via EBSCO Host)
- Cahiers d' Études et de Recherches Francophones (Santé)
- Cahiers de l'Islam , Les
- Cahiers Droit, Sciences & Technologies
- Cahiers Jean Moulin
- Cailiao-yanjiu-xuebao = Chinese Journal of Materials Research
- California Agriculturist & Live Stock Journal (via EBSCO Host)
- Call Center Profi
- Cambridge Prisms: Extinction
- Campbell's Foreign Semi-Monthly Magazine (via EBSCO Host)
- Canada Health Act : Annual Report
- Canadian Fisheries Statistics
- Canadian Journal of Chemistry (1951-1997)
- Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies = Revue Canadienne des Études Latino-Américaines et Caraïbes (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Canadian Journal of Science, Literature & History (via EBSCO Host)
- Canadian Parliamentary Companion, The
- Canard Sauvage, Le
- Cancer Innovation
- Canine Medicine and Genetics (formerly: Canine Genetics and Epidemiology)
- Caplletra: Revista Internacional de Filologia
- Cardio-Oncology
- Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine: Interesting Cases
- Caring: Indonesian Journal of Nursing Science (IJNS)
- Carnuntum Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des Donauraumes
- Cartographic Perspectives
- Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis
- Casket (Saint Louis, MO 1852) (via EBSCO Host)
- Catalog des Botanischen Tauschvereins zu Berlin
- Catholic Book News at Home & Abroad (via EBSCO Host)
- Causa Subita
- Cell Chemical Biology (älter als 12 Monate)
- Cell Systems
- Cement
- Center / National Gallery of Art: Record of Activities and Research Reports
- Central European Journal of Biology
- Centralblatt des Bundes Deutscher Frauenvereine (via Gerritsen Collection)
- CERC Working Papers Series
- Cesa News
- CH Working Papers
- Change: Das Magazin der Bertelsmann-Stiftung
- Charopyhtes
- Chemical Communications : ChemComm
- Chemical Production Plants Processes : CPP
- Chemistry and Materials (CMA)
- ChemPhotoChem
- Chicago House Bulletin : Issued by the Epigraphic Survey of The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
- Child Development Research
- Children's Guest (New York, NY 1860-1866) (via EBSCO Host)
- China Communications
- China Particuology
- Chinese and Arab Studies
- Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics (2000-2006)
- Chinese Journal of Traumatology (via CAJ)
- Chinese Theological Review
- Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues
- Christian Disciple and Theological Review, The (1819-1820) (via EBSCO Host)
- Christian Messenger (1843-1845) (via EBSCO Host)
- Christian's amusement, The (via ECJ)
- Christijanstvo i Kultura
- Chronicle of the Oxford University C.S. Lewis Society, The (via JSTOR)
- Chronology of International Events (via JSTOR)
- Church Review, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Ciencia, Cultura y Sociedad
- Ciencia Veterinaria
- Cikitsaka
- Cinema : Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image
- Circular Economy and Sustainability
- CIS Newsletter
- City University Research Journal
- Civitas Europa
- Classical Journal, The (aktuelle Jahrgänge)
- Clean Technologies and Recycling
- Climate Change Responses
- Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology
- Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal
- Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation
- Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes
- Clinical Nutrition Research
- Clinical Psychology : Science and Practice
- Clinicien, Le
- Clochart : Freies Blatt für Kunst und Literatur
- CMS Bulletin : Bulletin of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animal (CMS)
- Coastal Studies & Society
- Code of Federal Regulations / Title 28, Judicial Administration
- Coevolution
- Cognitive Computation
- Cold War History
- Collection Forum / Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
- College Music Symposium
- Colloquia Germanica (2006 bis älter als die aktuellen 24 Monate)
- Colt's Illustrated Scientific & Family Magazine (via EBSCO Host)
- Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves
- Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (älter als die aktuellen 5 Jahre)
- Common School Journal & Educational Reformer (via EBSCO Host)
- Communication Design: Interdisciplinary and Graphic Design Research (formerly: Journal of Communication Design)
- Communications in Algebra
- Communications of the ACS
- Community Literacy Journal (2010-2020)
- Comparative Critical Studies
- Comparative Southeast European Studies
- Competitiveness in South East Europe
- CompNet Policy Brief
- Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology (CRSP)
- Comptes Rendus Mathématique (2020 -)
- Computational Management Science
- Computer Audit Update
- Computer Science Education Research Conference (CSERC)
- Computers & Education
- COMÜ Journal of Agriculture Faculty (Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi)
- Concentrated Solar Power Heat in the European Union
- Conectividad
- Conflict and Health
- Congrès International de Philosophie, IIme session
- Connecticut Journal of Temperance (New London, CT 1833-1834) (via EBSCO Host)
- Conseiller des Artistes, Le: Revue Esthétique de l'Art en Général
- Consolidated annual activity report ... (Formerly: Annual report ... and environmental statement ...) (Formerly: EEA Annual Report)
- Construction Science
- Contact quarterly
- Contemporary French and Francophone Studies (Formerly: Sites: The Journal of Twentieth-Century - Contemporary French Studies / Revue d' Études Françaises)
- Contemporary Pragmatism
- COnTEXTES: Revue de Sociologie de la Littérature
- Contour (American Student Dental Association)
- Contributions of the Archaeological Research Facility
- Controlling & Innovation ...
- Coopérations Monétaires Afrique-France
- Corja!, A : Semanario de Caricaturas
- Corporate Governance : International Journal of Business in Society
- Correspondent der Piusvereine in der Diözese Fulda
- COSPAR Colloquia Series
- Country Exposure Lending Survey
- Country Report Benin
- Country Report Greece
- Country Report Netherlands
- Country Report Taiwan
- Courrier de l´Armée d´Italie; Le
- CPM-Forum: Das Magazin für Wehrtechnik und Logistik
- Creative Saplings (CS)
- Crime, Histoire & Sociétés (älter als die aktuellen 2 Jahrgänge)
- CRIN Review (formerly: CRIN Newsletter)
- Critical AI
- Critical Perspectives on Accounting
- Critical Studies in Television
- Croatica (37.2013 -)
- Cross Cultural Management : an International Journal
- Cryoletters
- CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
- Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional
- Cuadernos de Investigación Histórica
- Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación. Ensayos
- Cuban Studies (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Cultura Científica = Scientific Culture
- Cultural Resource Management (CRM)
- Culture Prospective
- Current Aging Science
- Current Climate Change Reports
- Current Gene Therapy
- Current Mechanics and Advanced Materials
- Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering
- Current Opinion in Orthopaedics
- Current Plant Biology
- Current research: Concussion
- Current Sexual Health Reports
- Current Urology Reports
- Cutting Red Tape
- Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = National Library of Wales Journal
- Czech Journal of Food Sciences