Elektronische Zeitschriften
Social Science Research Center Berlin
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- W+B - Zeitschrift für Deutsches und Europäisches Wasser-, Abwasser- und Bodenschutzrecht
- Waiguoyu: Shanghai Waiguoyu Daxue Xuebao = Journal of Foreign Languages
- Waldzustandsberichte ... des Landes Brandenburg
- Warsaw Institute Review, The
- Washington University Journal of Urban and Contemporary Law
- Water and Energy Abstracts
- Water SA
- wbl : Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter (1997 -)
- Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography = Webbia: Raccolta di Scritti Botanici (1905 - 2019)
- Weekly Register, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Weise aus dem Mond, Der
- Welt des Islams, Die (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Wenyi-Pinglun: Shuangyuekan = Literature and Art Criticism
- West African Journal of Radiology (PDF)
- Westdeutsches Gewerbeblatt
- Western Journal of Agriculture Manufactures, Mechanic Arts, Internal Improvement, Commerce, and General Literature (via EBSCO Host)
- Western Penman (via EBSCO Host)
- Westpfälzische Geschichtsblätter
- Whitaker's Magazine: The Rights of the South (via EBSCO Host)
- Wiadomości zootechniczne
- Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch (2004-2011)
- Wildlife Australia
- Wingspan
- Wireless Personal Communications
- Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter - Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark : WiPol WK Stmk (via RDB)
- Wissen, leben
- Witterungsbericht ... : eine Datenanalyse ausgewählter Standorte in Thüringen
- Wohlfahrtsblätter der Stadt Köln
- Woman Plus
- Women in Literacy and Life Assembly, The (WILLA) (2001- )
- Won Ja Lyeog Baeg Seo
- Wordsworth Circle
- Working Paper Series
- Working Papers in Language Pedagogy
- Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM)
- World Anaesthesia News (formerly: World Anaesthesia)
- World Drug Report
- World History Review
- World Journal of English Language
- World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (WJSTSD)
- World of Mining, Surface & Underground
- World Retail Banking Report
- World Water Policy (WWP)
- Wright's Hygienic Courier: A Monthly Record of General News, Literature, Science and the Arts (via EBSCO Host)
- WSL-Berichte
- Wuli-shiyan = Physics Experimentation