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Brückenschlag / KISS : das Erfurter Selbsthilfemagazin
Brückenschlag / KISS : das Erfurter Selbsthilfemagazin |
Brussels Studies |
BSU International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIJHSS) |
Budget / Armendeputatin zu Köln |
Budget / Armenverwaltung zu Köln |
Buenaval |
Bürgerin, Die |
Bürgerumfrage Augsburg |
Bürgerumfrage Halle |
Buku Tahunan Perangkaan, Malaysia = Statistics Yearbook Malaysia |
Buletin Perangkaan Sosial = Social Statistics Bulletin |
Buletin Statistikor Tremujor = Quarterly Statistical Bulletin |
Buletinul Științific al Universității de Stat B. P. Hasdeu din Cahul. Științe sociale = Scientific Journal of Cahul State University B. P. Hasdeu. Social Sciences, The |
Bulgarien-Jahrbuch (2003 - 2004) |
Bulgarien-Jahrbuch (2009 - 2013) |
Bulletin (Annuel) de l'Institut Français d'Histoire Sociale (via JSTOR) |
Bulletin Benelux / Benelux Economische Unie, Secretariaat-Generaal Benelux |
Bulletin / British Association for American Studies |
Bulletin / British Association for American Studies (via JSTOR) |
Bulletin / Concerned Africa Scholars |
Bulletin de l'Association des Démographes du Québec |
Bulletin de l'Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (via JSTOR) |
Bulletin de l'Institut International de Statistique |
Bulletin de l'Observatoire International sur le Racisme et les Discriminations |
Bulletin de Sinologie = Zhong hua wen zhai (via JSTOR) |
Bulletin des dirigeants de la C.T.C.C. |
Bulletin Legal Issues in Gender Equality |
Bulletin of Baltic Studies (via JSTOR) |
Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society |
Bulletin of the American Statistical Association (ASA) (via JSTOR) |
Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence & Religion, The (2000-) |
Bulletin of the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam |
Bulletin of the Population and Development Studies Center |
Bulletin of the Population and Development Studies Center (via JSTOR) |
Bulletin of the Society for Latin American Studies (via JSTOR) |
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov. Series VII, Social Sciences, Law |
Bulletin on Population and Vital Statistics in the Arab Region |
Bulletin on Population and Vital Statistics in the Arab Region (Formerly: Bulletin on Population and Vital Statistics in the ESCWA Region) |
Bulletin / Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Soziologie = Societé Suisse de Sociologie = Swiss Sociological Association |
Bulletin Société Statistique des Districts du Jura |
Bulletins du GRIF, Les |
Bund, Der: Zentralblatt des Bundes Österreichischer Frauenvereine |
Bundesländer, Die. Strukturen und Entwicklungen |
Bundestagswahl ... / Statistisches Landesamt Rheinland-Pfalz |
Bundesweite Internetbefragung zur Bürgerzufriedenheit mit den kommunalen Grünflächen ... : Berliner Ergebnisse |
Burkina Faso: Enquête Démographique et de Santé et à Indicateurs Multiples (EDSBF-MICS ...) |
Burra dhe gra = Men and women |
Burundi: Enquête Démographique et de Santé |
Business and Society |
Business and Society 360 |