by subject
by title
Agriculture and Forestry, Horticulture, Nutritional and Domestic Science |
4239 |
Anthropology |
1581 |
Archeology |
1397 |
Architecture, Civil Engineering |
2225 |
Art History |
2257 |
Biology, Biotechnology |
6186 |
Business and Economics |
15264 |
Chemistry and Pharmacology |
2805 |
Classics, Byzantine Studies |
560 |
Computer Science |
2206 |
Education |
3639 |
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering |
999 |
Energy Technology |
959 |
English, American Studies |
1329 |
General and Interdisciplinary Journals |
7952 |
General Science |
1496 |
Geography |
1274 |
Geosciences |
2140 |
German, Dutch and Scandinavian Studies |
469 |
Health Sciences |
1645 |
History |
5666 |
History of Education |
523 |
Jurisprudence |
5669 |
Librarianship and Information Science |
1449 |
Linguistics and Literature |
3372 |
Materials Science and Manufacturing Engineering |
280 |
Mathematics |
2133 |
Mechanical Engineering |
1861 |
Media and Communication Studies, Communication Design |
1359 |
Medicine |
14377 |
Military Science |
228 |
Musicology |
909 |
Nature Conservation, Environmental Protection |
1900 |
Philosophy |
1748 |
Physics |
2025 |
Political Science |
6440 |
Psychology |
1799 |
Romance Studies |
1244 |
Science (Academic Discipline), Research, Higher Education, Museology |
2261 |
Slavonic Studies |
831 |
Sociology |
5962 |
Sports Science |
808 |
Technology |
1989 |
Theology and Religious Studies |
3765 |