Electronic Journals
Social Science Research Center Berlin
by subject | by title | search | contact
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- 027.7 : Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur = Journal for Library Culture (2013 - 2020)
- 291 (via JSTOR)
- ʿUlūm-i iǧtimāʿī = Journal of Social Sciences
- A Magyar Tudós Társaság Évkönyvei
- AAOS Now
- Abbildungen aus dem Archiv des Verbandes von Museumsbeamten
- Abhandlungen der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Aboriginal Law Bulletin
- ABVP im Dialog
- Academic Journal of Modern Philology
- Academy of Management Learning & Education (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- ACCORD : Occasional Papers
- Acenología : revista de Enología
- ACM SIGACT News (1969-2000)
- ACM SIGIR Forum (1971-2000)
- ACM SIGSOC Bulletin
- ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS)
- ACQNET: The Acquisitions Librarians Electronic Network
- ACS Materials Letters
- Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica
- Acta Biologica Plantarum Agriensis
- Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira
- Acta Eruditorum
- Acta Haematologica Polonica (2012 -)
- Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia
- Acta Médica Colombiana
- Acta Musei Reginaehradecensis. Ser. A, Scientiae Naturales
- Acta Ophthalmologica
- Acta Physica Hungarica
- Acta Republicana
- Acta Stomatologica Marisiensis
- Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
- Acta Veterinaria (2002-2013)
- Actes des congrès de la Société francaise Shakespeare
- Activity Report / S & D Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament
- Actualités Odonto-Stomatologiques
- Adansonia (1997-)
- ADF-Wadenbeißer / Arbeitsgemeinschaft Demokratischer Fachschaftsmitglieder (ADF)
- Adolescents
- Adreß- und Geschäfts-Handbuch der Stadt Trier
- Adreßbuch der Stadt Erfurt nebst Ilversgehofen, Alt- und Neudaberstedt für ...
- Adressbuch für Berlin und seine Vororte
- Adreßbuch und Plan der Stadt Apolda: für ...
- Advanced Biofuels in the European Union
- Advanced Materials & Processes
- Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry
- Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory (via JSTOR)
- Advances in Cell and Gene Therapy (2022-)
- Advances in Data Analysis and Classification
- Advances in Environmental Sciences
- Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
- Advances in Mathematical Finance and Applications
- Advances in Neurotoxicology
- Advances in Phytomedicine
- Advances in Science and Technology
- Advances in Water Resources
- Advocate of Freedom (via EBSCO Host)
- AEON : Forum für Junge Geschichtswissenschaft
- Ärzteblatt Rheinland-Pfalz
- Affilia : Journal of Women & Social Work
- Africa Insight (-2002)
- African-Asian Journal of Rural Development
- African Journal of Agricultural Research (AJAR)
- African Journal of Health Economics
- African Journal of Political Science = Revue Africaine de Science Politique (2022-)
- African Media Barometer / Republic of the Congo = Baromètre des Médias Africains / République du Congo
- African Trade Report
- Aftanskinið
- Agents de l'État, Les
- Agora : Magazin der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
- Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road
- Agricultural Economics / Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- Agricultural Science & Technology
- Agriculturists , The
- Agronomski Glasnik = Agronomy Journal
- AI
- AIDS Book Review Journal
- AINS - Anästhesiologie Intensivmedizin Notfallmedizin Schmerztherapie
- AISHE-J. The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- Akademičeskij Vestnik UralNIIproekt RAASN
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Aktuelle Kardiologie
- Al- ǧarīda ar-Rasmīya al-Ǧumhūrīya al-Lubnānīya
- Alan Review, The
- Album des Literarischen Vereins in Nürnberg
- Alemannia: Zeitschrift für Sprache, Litteratur und Volkskunde des Elsasses und Oberrheins
- Algebra and Logic
- Alice Symposium
- All the Year Round : a Weekly Journal (via BPC)
- Allgemeine Bauzeitung: Österreichische Vierteljahrschrift für den öffentlichen Baudienst
- Allgemeine Schulzeitung / Beilage zur Allgemeinen Schulzeitung
- Allgemeines Intelligenzblatt für Literatur und Kunst
- Almanach d'Apollon ou le Parnasse Français
- Almanach Utile et Agréable de la Loterie Electorale Palatine
- Alrafidain of Law = مجلة الرافدين للحقوق
- Alter und Neuer Allmanach - auff das SchaltJahr nach der Gebuhrt Jesu Christi ...
- Alternatives to Animal Experimentation : ALTEX (formerly: Alternativen zu Tierexperimenten)
- Alzheimer's TODAY
- Ambio Special Report (via JSTOR)
- American Builder & Journal of Art (via EBSCO Host)
- American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- American Gardener's Chronicle (via EBSCO Host)
- American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science
- American Journal of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention
- American Journal of Economics
- American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, The
- American Journal of Mathematical Analysis
- American Journal of Nursing (AJN)
- American Journal of Physics (Formerly: American Physics Teacher)
- American Journal of Reproductive Immunology
- American Journal of Therapeutics (via OVID)
- American Literature (1929-1999; via JSTOR)
- American Midland Naturalist, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- American Naturalist, The
- American Publishers' Circular & Literary Gazette (via EBSCO Host)
- American Slavic and East European Review (via JSTOR)
- American Veterinary Journal (via EBSCO Host)
- AMIA Tech Review
- AmS - Varia
- Amtliche Mitteilungen / Philipps-Universität Marburg
- Amtliches Mitteilungsblatt / Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
- Amtsblatt der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland
- Amtsblatt der Stadt Brotterode-Trusetal
- Amtsblatt der Württembergischen Verkehrsanstalten
- Amtsblatt für den Landkreis Emsland
- Amurskij Zoologičeskij urnal = Amurian Zoological Journal
- Anästhesienachrichten (2019-)
- Analectic Magazine: Containing Selections From Foreign Reviews and Magazines of Such Articles as Are Most Valuable, Curious, or Entertaining, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Seria Ştiinţe Filologice. Lingvistică = Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
- Anales de la Sociedad Española de Historia Natural
- Anales / Instituto Ibero-Americana
- Analog Dialogue
- Analyst, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Anamneza = Anamnesis
- Ancient Science of Life
- Anesthesia & Analgesia
- Anglican and Episcopal History (via JSTOR)
- Animal Diseases
- Animazione Sociale: Mensile per gli Operatori Sociali
- Annalen der Justiz und Verwaltung in der Provinz Hessen
- Annales Collegii Nobilium Opolienses
- Annales de l´Est et du Nord
- Annales de la Société Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Ältere Jahrgänge)
- Annales Geophysicae (ANGEO)
- Annales Révolutionnaires (via JSTOR)
- Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Anglica
- Annali di Architettura
- Annali Universali di Viaggi, Geografia, Storia, Economia Pubblica e Statistica (via GALE)
- Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters (formerly: Annals of the Mediterranean Burns Club)
- Annals of Eye Science (AES)
- Annals of Leisure Research
- Annals of Parasitology
- Annals of Telecommunications (Formerly: Annals of Telecommunications = Annales des Télécommunications)
- Annals of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
- Année du Maghreb, L'
- Annuaire du Commerce Extérieur / Burkina Faso
- Annual Announcement / Woman's Club of Denver (via Gerritsen Collection)
- Annual Export Receipts of Goods and Services
- Annual Performance Progress Report / CIMEC
- Annual report ... and annual performance statement ... / Central Bank of Ireland (formerly: Central Bank of Ireland Annual Report)
- Annual Report / Bank of Greenland
- Annual Report / Central Bank of Bahrain
- Annual Report / Cornell University Library
- Annual Report / European Banking Authority
- Annual Report / First Nations Development Institute
- Annual Report IDRC / Rapport Annuel du CRDI (aktuelle Jahrgänge)
- Annual report / International Paralympic Committee
- Annual Report / Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey
- Annual Report Natural Environment Research Council
- Annual Report of the Henry Bradshaw Society
- Annual Report on Payment Systems
- Annual Report / Reserve Bank of Australia
- Annual Report / State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China
- Annual Report / UNISDR
- Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry A: General Physics and Inorganic Chemistry (1967-1972)
- Annual Review of Computer Science (1986-1990)
- Annual Review of Physiology
- Annual Survey of South African Law
- Antarctic Science
- Anthropologie et Sociétés (ältere Jahrgänge)
- Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
- Antibody Technology Journal
- Antiqua: Jornadas sobre la Antigüedad
- Antropológica / Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
- Anuario de Derecho Civil
- Anuario de Letras Modernas
- Anuário Estatístico da Região do Norte
- Anuarul Institutului de Istorie George Barițiu din Cluj-Napoca. Series Humanistica
- Anzeige der öffentlichen Prüfung derjenigen Candidaten, welche in dem Königlichen Schullehrer-Seminarium zu Sankt Mattheis bey Trier dem Kursus ... beygewohnet haben
- Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944 - 1989
- APLA Bulletin
- Appeal (via EBSCO Host)
- Applied and Environmental Soil Science
- Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
- Applied Mathematics: A Journal of Chinese Universities (Series B) (via CAJ)
- Applied Physics Research (APR)
- Appositions : Studies in Renaissance
- Apvlvm (Apulum). Series Historia & Patrimonium
- Aquatic Procedia
- Arabian Epigraphic Notes
- Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht
- Arbeits-Rechts-Berater, Der (Arbeitsrechtsberater) ArbRB
- Arbeitsmarktreport / Agentur für Arbeit Thüringen Nord
- Arbetsrapport / Institutet för Framtidsstudier
- Archaeologia Americana: Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society (via EBSCO Host)
- Archäologisch-epigraphische Mitteilungen aus Österreich-Ungarn
- Archeologia Lituana
- Architects' Journal (AJ), The
- Architektur Aktuell
- Archiv für das Notariat
- Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht
- Archiv für Wissenschaft und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit
- Archives and Museum Informatics (Formerly: Archival Informatics Newsletter)
- Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (2024-)
- Archives of Health Science and Research
- Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation
- Archivnachrichten / Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg (früher: Archiv-Nachrichten)
- Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacología y Terapéutica
- Arctic Yearbook
- Argos
- Arhiva Dobrogei: Revista Societăţii pentru cercetarea şi studierea Dobrogei
- Ark (Columbus, OH) (via EBSCO Host)
- Armed Forces Journal International
- Árný
- Arquivos de Zoologia
- Ars Medica : Revista de Ciencias Médicas (formerly: Boletín de la Escuela de Medicina; Boletín del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad Católica de Chile)
- Art Bulletin, The (älter als 96 Jahre) (via JSTOR)
- Art & perception
- ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur
- Arthur's Lady's Home Magazine (via EBSCO Host)
- Artifícios
- Arts Faculty Journal, The
- Arzt und Krankenhaus
- ASEAN Key Figures
- Asia-Pacific Disaster Report
- Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health (älter als 4 Jahre) (via JSTOR)
- Asia Rights Journal
- Asian Economic Integration Monitor
- Asian Journal of Biotechnology
- Asian Journal of Information Management
- Asian Journal of Psychiatry
- Asian Pacific Journal of Disease Management
- Asiatic Herpetological Research
- Asphalt & Bitumen
- Associate, The (via GALE)
- AstroEDU: Peer-Reviewed Astronomy Education Activities
- Astrophysica Norvegica
- ATeM Archiv für Textmusikforschung
- Atherosclerosis
- Atlantis : Magazin für Divestyle
- ATOMKI Annual Report / Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Attualita Lacaniana
- Auf der Wacht / Blätter für literarische Jugenderziehung
- August Wilson Journal
- Aus alten Kirchenbüchern: Beiträge zur deutschen Familienkunde
- Ausländisches Privat- und Privatverfahrensrecht in Deutscher Sprache
- Australasian Biotechnology
- Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services
- Australian Electronic Journal of Nursing Education (AEJNE )
- Australian Journal of Education
- Australian Journal of Structural Engineering
- Australian Water Markets Report
- Autism Research
- Automotion [Deutsche Ausgabe] : das Technologie-Magazin von B & R
- Avances en Ciencias e Ingenieria : Revista de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito
- Avicenna
- Axiologika
- AZimuth