Electronic Journals
Social Science Research Center Berlin
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- 10/90 Report on Health Research, The
- Academic Journal of Surgery (AJS)
- Acta Clinica Belgica
- Acta Medica Nagasakiensia
- Acta Paediatrica : Nurturing the Child (incl. Suppl.)
- Actas Urológicas Españolas
- Advanced Gut and Microbiome Research (2022-)
- Advances in Dental Research
- Advances in Nephrology
- Advances in Therapy
- African Journal of Diabetes Medicine, The
- Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition
- AJO International
- Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research
- Alpha Psychiatry
- American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
- American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, The
- American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
- American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation (2018-)
- American Medical Times (1860) (via EBSCO Host)
- Anales de Medicina Interna. Seminarios
- Anesthesia & Analgesia Case Reports (A & A case reports)
- Annales de Chirurgie
- Annals of African Surgery
- Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine
- Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (älter als 12 Monate)
- Annual Report / Coford
- Antibody Therapeutics
- Applied Radiology online
- Archives of Breast Cancer
- Archives of Pediatric Neurosurgery (APN)
- Archivos Peruanos de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular
- Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (formerly Arteriosclerosis; Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis) (via OVID)
- Asia Oceania Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Biology
- Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences
- Ateneo: Revista Oficial de Difusión Científica del Colegio de Médicos de Azuay
- Australian and New Zealand Journal of Audiology, The