Electronic Journals
Social Science Research Center Berlin
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- IJTLD open
- Immunome Research
- Indian Journal of Cerebral Palsy : Official Publication of Indian Academy of Cerebral Palsy (nur HTML)
- Indian Journal of Oral Health and Research
- Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery
- Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology
- info@gynäkologie
- Innovative Practice in Breast Health
- Intensive Care Medicine / Paediatric and Neonatal
- International Dental Journal
- International Journal of Applied Research on Public Health Management (2023 -)
- International Journal of Cancer Care and Delivery
- International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health
- International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience (Formerly: International Journal of Emergency Mental Health)
- International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
- International Journal of Immunogenetics
- International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, The
- International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship (IJNES)
- International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
- International Journal of Public and Private Perspectives on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment (2023-)
- International Journal of Surgery and Research (IJSR)
- International Medical Device Regulatory Monitor
- Internet Journal of Endocrinology, The
- Internet Journal of Rehabilitation
- InVet
- Iranian Journal of Veterinary Surgery (IJVS)
- ISRN Genomics
- Istanbul Medical Journal