Daniel Tuki

Daniel Tuki
Daniel Tuki


daniel.tuki [at] wzb.eu
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
B 414
Research Fellow of the Research Department

Daniel Tuki is a Research Fellow in the Migration, Integration and Transnationalization Department. His research focuses on conflict studies and economic development. 

Selected Publications

Peer reviewed:

Tuki, Daniel (forthcoming) You’re not welcome! Violence and support for an open grazing ban policy in Kaduna, Nigeria.  Environment and Security.

Tuki, Daniel (forthcoming) Family support and migration in Nigeria. Africa Spectrum.

Tuki, Daniel (conditionally accepted). Under God's protective wings: Does exposure to violent conflict make Nigerians value God more? Politics and Religion. 

Tuki, Daniel (2024) Conflict exposure and expected victimization in Nigeria. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. https://doi.org/10.1080/19434472.2024.2421839

Tuki, Daniel (2024) Violent conflict and expectation about the economy’s performance: Evidence from Nigeria. Economics Letters. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2024.111808

Tuki, Daniel (2024) Violent conflict and hostility towards ethnoreligious outgroups in Nigeria.  Terrorism and Political Violence. https://doi.org/10.1080/09546553.2023.2285939

Tuki, Daniel (2024) What does the population in Niger think about a military government?  Democratization. https://doi.org/10.1080/13510347.2024.2341314

Tuki, Daniel (2024) Undead Past: What drives support for the secessionist goal of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) in Nigeria? Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics. https://doi.org/10.1017/rep.2023.36

Tuki, Daniel (2024) Women's education and attitudes toward malaria in children: Evidence from Nigeria. Global Public Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/17441692.2024.2407481

Tuki, Daniel (2024). Examining the effect of gender, education and religion on attitudes toward gender equality in Nigeria. Politics, Groups, and Identities. https://doi.org/10.1080/21565503.2024.2304311

Working papers:

Tuki, Daniel (2024). You’re not like us! Ethnic discrimination and national belonging in Nigeria. Households in Conflict Network (Working Paper No. 415).

Tuki, Daniel (2024) “God is my refuge”: Do education and news consumption prompt Africans to put more trust in the COVID-19 vaccine than in prayer? Afrobarometer Working Paper No. 205

Tuki, Daniel (2024) Gender and migration aspirations in Nigeria: A comparative study of the states of Edo and Kaduna. Households in Conflict Network (Working Paper No. 408)

Tuki, Daniel (2024) Suffering and smiling: What determines happiness among Nigerians? Households in Conflict Network (Working Paper No. 407)

Tuki, Daniel (2023) Is there a Religious Dimension to Concern About Farmer-Herder conflicts in Nigeria? Households in Conflict Network (Working Paper 391)

Tuki, Daniel (2023) Pastoral conflicts and (dis)trust: Evidence from Nigeria using an instrumental variable approach. WZB Discussion Paper (SP VI 2023–101)

Tuki, Daniel (2022) The Effect of Violent Conflict on the Socioeconomic Condition of Households in Nigeria: The Case of Kaduna State. Households in Conflict Network (Working Paper 373)


Tuki, Daniel (2024) Militär und Demokratie: Hintergründe des Putsches in Niger 2023. WZB Mitteilungen, No. 184.

Tuki, Daniel (2022) Blutige Landkonflikte: Kämpfe zwischen Hirten und Bauern in Nigeria haben vielfältige Ursachen. WZB Mitteilungen, June 2022. No. 176.

Tuki, Daniel (2021) Armer Norden, reicher Süden: Die Spaltung Nigerias reicht weit in die Geschichte zurück. WZB Mitteilungen, June 2021, No. 172.

Tuki, Daniel (2020) Brandbeschleuniger: Die Corona-Pandemie Verschärft Nigeria’s Soziale und Ökonomische Probleme. WZB Mitteilungen, September 2020, No. 169.