Fred Felix Zaumseil
Visiting Researcher of the Research Professorship
Research fields
Political, Legal and Moral Philosophy | Political Theory | Constitutional Theory
I am a political theorist and predoctoral research fellow at the WZB's Center for Global Constitutionalism. In my doctoral research project I study the normative foundations of political authority with a special focus on reasonable disagreement. Before coming to the WZB, I studied philosophy and social sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and political theory at the University of Oxford. Previously, I have also served as Director of Operations and Communications of ICON•S | The International Society of Public Law as well as Assistant Managing Editor of the journal Global Constitutionalism (CUP).
Selected Publications
Zaumseil, Fred Felix (2017): "Wie sich Autorität rechtfertigt. Expertise und demokratische Mehrheiten haben nur begrenzte normative Kraft". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 157, S. 14-16.
Zaumseil, Fred Felix (2016): "Der Kampf um die liberale Demokratie. Die Kritik an selbstgefälligen Eliten zielt am Problem vorbei". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 154, S. 35-37.