Transfer: Good Work goes Public
# Lernen von Anderen
Under the heading "Learning from others", various actors discussed how employees can be better involved in the introductionprocess of new technologies. In addition to new room for flexible action, the discussion also focused on the uncertainties among employees and HR managers and on new competence requirements.
The workshop took place on 10.05.2019 at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB). Various company actors, political representatives from Brandenburg and researchers from the WZB discussed from different perspectives the digitisation of work as a central challenge for qualification. The aim was, in addition to short impulses, to reflect on experiences in the joint work phases in order to identify current fields of action in employment and further education policy.
# Digitization through rose-tinted glasses
The introduction of digital technologies into the workplace: For many, this is associated with optimism. Work should be easier, more flexible, more accessible. Without rose-tinted glasses, hidden and sometimes unpleasant risks emerge that are often not visible at first glance. The audience experiences this with the interactive poster at events such as the Long Night of Sciences 2018 and LABOR.A 2018.
"The playful change of the perspectives is very interesting," said one visitor to LABOR.A.
Now the poster is on its way and offers an opportunity to discuss the design of digitised work with various actors. It was now in different companies and the next stations are: Brandenburg Conference in Potsdam and the 50th anniversary of the WZB.
The poster was created as part of the interdisciplinary cooperation in the Visual Society Program (ViSoP).
WZB: K. Warnhoff & E. Kroll
UdK: D. Baldauf & S. Bespalova