WZB - Berlin Social Science Center


The WZB Berlin Social Science Center investigates fundamental societal issues. Our focus is on education and work, markets and choice, migration, democracy and autocracy, international politics and law. At the WZB researchers from various disciplines work together – mainly from sociology, political science, economics, law and psychology.

Working at the WZB

The WZB offers a modern working environment, where both equal opportunities and the compatibility of work and family are highly valued. Find out more about it here.


Global South

This issue is about the whole world. After all, the Global South is defined in contrast to and in interaction with the industrialized countries of the Northern hemisphere. Researchers at the WZB are in ongoing exchange with partners in many regions of the world. They observe migration movements, analyze economic relations, and explore cultural and political differences.

The June issue of WZB-Mitteilungen reports on resources, strikes and wars, dependencies, stereotypes, role models and cooperation. It contains articles on and from Uganda, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Brazil, India, China and Japan. And, of course, at the same time, it is about Germany, Europe and North America.


Freedom, concern, traditions

Traditionelle Tempel inmitten von Hochhäusern in China
Nate Hovee/istock/GettyImages Plus

How social systems function and how they are accepted in different countries depends not least on the respective political culture. This culture cannot simply be derived from the world region in which a particular country is located. Rather, a colorful picture emerges globally, which the authors attempt to plot on a map of mentalities.

Terrorism and Child Mortality

Familien auf einem Spielplatz in Mogadischu

How does terrorism affect child mortality? Based on data for 52 African countries for the 2000-2017 period, Daniel Meierrieks and Max Schaub conclude that more terrorism leads to higher levels of child mortality. Rather than affecting child mortality directly through death and destruction, terrorism has an indirect effect.

Imbalance of Power

Forscher*innen aus Afrika und China in einer Forschungseinrichtung
picture alliance/Xinhua News Agency/Yang Guanyu

Researchers worldwide continue to face significantly unequal starting opportunities, particularly in terms of research funding, academic career paths, visas, and networking. Nora Chirikure and Lennard Naumann explore what is needed to establish truly equitable South-North research partnerships.

Education in Kenya and Tanzania

Tansanias Präsidentin Samia Suluhu Hassan auf einer Pressekonferenz
picture alliance/ASSOCIATED PRESS/Ericky Boniphace

Can Tanzania and Kenya serve as development models for the Global South? Günther Schmid analyzes the education systems of both countries and examines indicators of educational success such as equity and quality. He shows the idea of education behind the two systems and recounts the spirit of optimism that followed the report of the Southern Commission in the 1990s.

The Conditions of Populism in the US

Flagge USA durchbrochen
altmodern/ Getty Images

Today, the United States is confronted with a crisis of democracy due to a profound ideological and affective polarization. A recent by researchers at SCRIPTS Berlin published publication addresses this issue thoroughly. In his contribution to the book, WZB Director Michael Zürn analyses the economic, cultural, and political conditions of authoritarian populism.