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Lines of conflict in the context of digitalisation, globalisation, demographic change and ecological sustainability

In June 2021, the second doctoral program on "Good Work," sponsored by the Hans Böckler Foundation, has started at the WZB. This doctoral program is also headed by Prof. Jutta Allmendinger Ph. D. and is supervised by eight WZB researchers. The scientific coordination is in the hands of Dr. Dorothea Böhme.

The scholarships are awarded for a maximum of three years to doctoral students from the fields of sociology, economics, psychology and related subjects.

The second doctoral program covers four thematic areas in which the following supervisors are available:

I) Good work for all in times of digitalisation?

Dr. Martin Ehlert
Prof. Lena Hipp Ph. D.
Prof. Dr. Martin Krzywdzinski
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder
Dr. Philip Wotschack

II) Good work for all in times of socio-structural and demographic change?

Dr. Daniel Auer
Dr. Martin Ehlert
Prof. Lena Hipp, Ph. D.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder
Dr. Susanne Veit
Dr. Philip Wotschack

III) Good work for all in times of globalisation?

Prof. Dr. Martin Krzywdzinski
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder
Dr. Susanne Veit
Sigurt Vitols Ph. D.

IV) Good work for all in times of climate change?

Dr. Daniel Auer
Sigurt Vitols Ph. D.

The supervisors have the following methodological approaches:

  • qualitative: M. Krzywdzinski, W. Schroeder, S. Vitols, P. Wotschack

  • quantitative: S. Vitols, M. Ehlert, L. Hipp, D. Auer, S. Veit, P. Wotschack

  • experimental: L. Hipp, W. Schroeder, S. Veit

  • mixed methods: S. Vitols, P. Wotschack

Through the participation of various departments and project groups, the second doctoral program at the WZB also has a special bridging function.

If you have any further questions, please contact the scientific coordinator of the doctoral program, Dr. Dorothea Horst, at dorothea.horst [at] wzb.eu or kolleg.gutearbeit [at] wzb.eu.