Eva Barlösius 1997 - 2004

Prof. Dr. Eva Barlösius now holds a professorship for sociology at the Leibniz University of Hannover. From 1997 - 2004 she was a fellow of the Heisenberg Programme at the Social Science Center Berlin, Working Group Public Health. Eva Barlösius fields of specialization include 1. Sociology of culture; 2. Sociology of social inequality; 3. Theoretical and general sociology; 4. Sociology of knowledge and science and 5. Agrarian sociology. 

Peter Bartmann 2007 - 2008

Dr. Peter Bartmann, Protestant theologian and health economist, adviser on fundamental questions of health provision for the Diakonisches Werk der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland e.V (Protestant Church umbrella organisation). From 2007 - 2008 he was released for the research project Equality of Opportunities and Treatment According to Need in Health Insurance and Sickness Support Following the Health and Social Reform of 2003 2004.  

Thomas Gerlinger 1999 - 2004 

In 2004 Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Gerlinger accepted a call for a professorship at the University of Frankfurt on Main and is director of the  Institute for Medical Sociology at the Center for Health Sciences of the University's  Clinical Center. Since 2010 he holds a professorship for ‘Healths Systems, Health Policy and Sociology of Health’ at the Faculty for Health Sciences, University of Bielefeld. Thomas Geringers fields of specialization include 1. Health system research; 2. Health policy; 3. Occupational health and safety and 4. European Integration.  

Stefanie Grote 2004 - 2008

Dr. Stefanie Grothe  research interests are 1. Psycho-social aspects of AIDS with regard to specific population groups (e.g. gay men, users of hard drugs, prostitutes and others); 2. socio-epidemiological research on sexually transmitted diseases and 3. gender-specific division of labor and professional careers. She worked on the following research projects: 1. Internet Dating and the Perception and Management of HIV Risk; 2. Time Stability in Reducing the Risk of HIV Transmission among Homosexual Men in Eastern and Western Germany

Sebastian Klinke 2004 - 2010 

Dr. Sebastian Klinke's focus of research include 1. Theory of the welfare state; 2. Policy studies; 3. Social policy; 4.  Health policy research; 5. Inpatient sector and 6.  Regulatory changes in the health system. Since January 2010 Sebastian Klinke holds a senior researcher position with the Research Center for Sustainability  Studies at the University of Bremen (project RessourcenKultur).  

Hagen Kühn 1995 - 2006     
PD Dr. Hagen Kühn was a senior researcher and later in 2000 the co-leader of the Research Group: Public Health. Hagen Kuehn retired in 2006. His research interests included 1. Sociology and economy of health and health systems; 2. Social policy; 3. Prevention and health promotion; 3. Cross-national comparative research  (with special focus on  the. USA) and 4. Sociology of ethics in public health

Michael Noweski 2007 - 2010

Dr. Michael Noweski attended the Research Group on Public Health from 2007 until August 2010 as a research fellow. He worked on the regulation of health markets and on the transformation of the health professions. His research projects were The Maturing of the Policy Subsystem of Primary Prevention as well as the work on surveys and evaluations of research and intervention activities of the federal government for quality assurance of primary prevention by non-governmental organizations.(mailto: michaelnoweski [at] gmx.de).

Uwe Lenhardt 1995 - 2004

In 2004 Dr. Uwe Lenhardt accepted a position with the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. He has been working as an expert in the fields of occupational safety and health promotion at the Institute's Division 1 (Strategy and Principle Affairs) in Unit 1.1 (Principle Affairs of Prevention and Research, Information Management). His research interests are 1. Prevention and health promotion at the worksite and 2. Health system and policy analysis. 

Axel J. Schmidt 2007 - 2009     
Axel J. Schmidt left the Research Group on Public Health in March 2009.  He is now Scientific Coordinator of the EMIS- Project at the Robert Koch Institute, Department for Infectious Diseases Epidemiology. His fields of specialization include 1. Social epidemiologiy; 2. Infectious disease epidemiology (HIV and other sexually transmitted infections) and 3. Prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. 
- Internet Dating and the Perception and Management of HIV Risk
- Preventive Sexual Behaviour among Gay and Bisexual Men over Time (1991-2007) and their Use of Mass Media and Target-Group-Specific Information about HIV and Aids

- Time Stability in Reducing the Risk of HIV Transmission among  Homosexual Men in Eastern and Western Germany 2007

New publications:
Schmidt, A. J. et al. (2011): Trouble with Bleeding: Risk Factors for Acute Hepatitis C among HIV-Positive Gay Men from Germany. A Case-Control Study. PLoS ONE 6 (3): e17781.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017781( http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0017781)
Schmidt, A. J. (mit Rolf Rosenbrock et al.) (2009): Review of the Swiss HIV Policy by a Panel of International Experts. Study on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. Expert Report. Horgen: Syntagma GmbH

Hildegard Theobald 1998 - 2006     
Prof. Dr. Hildegard Theobald now holds a professorship for Organizational Gerontology/Social Services at the University of Vechta (Institute for Gerontology and Research Center Ageing and Society ).
Her focus of research include 1. Cross-national comparative research on the welfare state; 2. Social services; 3. Sociology of professions; 3. Gender inequality and 4. Social inequality  

Holger Wellmann 2007 - 2008

Dr. Holger Wellmann attended the Research Group on Public Health from February 2007 until December 2008 as a research fellow. He worked on the project “Die gesetzliche Unfallversicherung im Reformprozess: Umsetzung und Weiterentwicklung des Präventionsauftrages in der Arbeitswelt“ (in cooperation with the Bielefeld University; on behalf of the Bertelsmann Foundation and of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation).
Wellmann, Holger/Lempert-Horstkotte, Jürgen (2009): Die präventiven Potentiale der Unfallversicherung. Zwischen Good Practice und verpassten Reformchancen. Berlin: edition sigma.
Lempert-Horstkotte, Jürgen/Wellmann, Holger (2009): Mehr als Arbeitsunfälle vermeiden. Die Präventionsarbeit der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung im Wandel. Gütersloh: Verlag der Bertelsmann Stiftung.

Markus Wörz 2007 - 2009

Dr. Markus Wörz participated in the research project Innovation Barriers and Innovation Chances of Integrated Care: A Comparison of Germany and Switzerland. Since February 2009 he is a member of the "Research Unit: Inequality and Social Integration" at the WZB.