Third-party Funding Service
Alongside institutional funding, the WZB acquires a considerable amount of additional finance from external bodies (third parties), including organizations that promote research, federal ministries, the European Commission, public and private foundations and from industry. The Office for Third-party Funding ("Drittmittelservice") within the WZB administration provides comprehensive administrative and legal support to the scientists whenever they acquire funds and implement third-party-funded projects.
The Office for Third-party Funding keeps information available on the conditions attached to funding and the financing options relating to the external donors relevant to the WZB, and draws up preliminary calculations and administrative application documents in cooperation with the scientists. The tasks of the Office for Third-party Funding include the examination of contracts and approvals in connection with their taxation status, the finance and contract controlling of research projects, the drawing up of accounts, cost plans and financial reports, and the administrative coordination of project networks.