
Articles in reviewed journals

Duso, Tomaso/Jung, Astrid (2012): "Product Market Competition and Lobbying Coordination in the U.S. Mobile Telecommunications Industry". In: Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Vol. 12, No. 2, S. 177-201. (vorab online publiziert 09.11.2010)

Articles in reviewed journals

Buccirossi, Paolo/Ciari, Lorenzo/Duso, Tomaso/Spagnolo, Giancarlo/Vitale, Cristiana (2011): "Measuring the Deterrence Properties of Competition Policy. The Competition Policy Indexes". In: Journal of Competition Law & Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, S. 165-204. (Vorab online publiziert 28. Januar 2011)

Articles in reviewed journals

Duso, Tomaso/Gugler, Klaus/Burcin, Yurtoglu (2010): "Is the Event Study Methodology Useful for Merger Analysis? A Comparison of Stock Market and Accounting Data". In: International Review of Law and Economics, Vol. 30, No. 2, S. 186-192.
Duso, Tomaso/Pennings, Enrico/Seldeslachts, Jo (2010): "Learning Dynamics in Research Alliances. A Panel Data Analysis". In: Research Policy, Vol. 39, No. 6, S. 776-789.
Duso, Tomaso/Seldeslachts, Jo (2010): "The Political Economy of Mobile Telecommunications Liberalization. Evidence from the OECD Countries". In: Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 38, No. 2, S. 199-216.

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Clougherty, Joseph A./Duso, Tomaso (2010): Using Rival Effects to Identify Synergies and Improve Merger Typologies. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2010-13. WZB.
Duso, Tomaso/Gugler, Klaus/Szücs, Florian (2010): An Empirical Assessment of the 2004 EU Merger Policy Reform. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2010-16. Berlin: WZB.

Articles in reviewed journals

Aghion, Philippe/Blundell, Richard/Griffith, Rachel/Howitt, Peter/Prantl, Susanne (2009): "The Effects of Entry on Incumbent Innovation and Productivity". In: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 91, No. 1, S. 20-32.
Clougherty, Joseph A./Zhang, A. (2009): "Domestic Rivalry and Export Performance. Theory and Evidence from International Airline Markets". In: The Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'economique, Vol. 42, No. 2, S. 440-468.
Clougherty, Joseph/Duso, Tomaso (2009): "The Impact of Horizontal Mergers on Rivals. Gains to Being Left Outside a Merger". In: Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 46, No. 8, S. 1365-1395.
Froeb, Luke M./Pautler, Paul A./Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2009): "The Economics Of Organizing Economists". In: Antitrust Law Journal, Vol. 76, No. 1, S. 569.
Prantl, Susanne/Spitz-Oener, Alexandra (2009): "How Does Entry Regulation Influence Entry Into Self-Employment and Occupational Mobility?". In: Economics of Transition, Vol. 17, No. 4, S. 769-802.
Seldeslachts, Jo/Clougherty, Joseph A./Barros, Pedro Pita (2009): "Settle for Now but Block for Tomorrow. The Deterrence Effects of Merger Policy Tools". In: The Journal of Law & Economics, Vol. 52, No. 3, S. 607-634.

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Clougherty, Joseph A./Duso, Tomaso (2009): "Die Konkurrenz freut sich. Fusionieren zwei Unternehmen, profitieren oft die Wettbewerber". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 125, S. 30-32.

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Barros, Pedro/Clougherty, Joseph/Seldeslachts, Jo (2009): How to Measure the Deterrence Effects of Merger Policy. Frequency or Composition?. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-13. Berlin: WZB.
Buccirossi, Paolo/Ciari, Lorenzo/Duso, Tomaso/Spagnolo, Giancarlo/Vitale, Cristiana (2009): Competition Policy and Productivity Growth. An Empirical Assessment. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-12. Berlin: WZB.
Buccirossi, Paolo/Ciari, Lorenzo/Duso, Tomaso/Spagnolo, Giancarlo/Vitale, Cristiana (2009): Deterrence in Competition Law. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-14. Berlin: WZB.
Buccirossi, Paolo/Ciari, Lorenzo/Duso, Tomaso/Spagnolo, Giancarlo/Vitale, Cristiana (2009): Measuring the Deterrence Properties of Competition Policy. The Competition Policy Indexes. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-15. Berlin: WZB.
Clougherty, Joseph (2009): Competition Policy Trends and Economic Growth. Cross-National Empirical Evidence. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-16. Berlin: WZB.
Clougherty, Joseph/Duso, Tomaso (2009): The Impact of Horizontal Mergers on Rivals. Gains to Being Left Outside a Merger. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-17r. Berlin: WZB.

Articles in reviewed journals

Buccirossi, Paolo/Ciari, Lorenzo/Duso, Tomaso/Fridolfsson, Sven-Olof/Spagnolo, Giancarlo/Vitale, Christiana (2008): "A Short Overview of a Methodology for the Ex-Post Review of Merger Control Decision". In: De Economist, Vol. 156, No. 4, S. 453-475.

Articles in collective volumes

Friederiszick, Hans W./Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Verouden, Vincent (2008): "European State Aid Control". In: Paolo Bucirossi (Ed.): Handbook of Antitrust Economics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, S. 625-666.
Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2008): "Exploitative Abuses". In: Claus-Dieter Ehlermann/Mel Marquis (Eds.): European Competition Law Annual 2007. A Reformed Approach to Article 82 EC. Oxford: Hart Publishing, S. 525-532.

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Banal-Estanol, Albert/Macho-Stadler, Inés/Seldeslachts, Jo (2008): "Endogenous Mergers and Endogenous Efficiency Gains. The Efficiency Defence Revisited". In: International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 26, No. 1, S. 69-91.
Clougherty, Joseph A./Grajek, Michal (2008): "The Impact of ISO 9000 Diffusion on Trade and FDI. A New Institutional Analysis". In: Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 39, No. 4, S. 613-633.
Clougherty, Joseph A./Seldeslachts, Jo (2008): "Die Kunst des Abschreckens. Fusionspolitik: Untersagungen sind wirkungsvoller als Auflagen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 120, S. 46-47.
Duso, Tomaso (2008): "Assessing Merger Control Decisions. The Role of Competitors". In: Vox - Research-Based Policy Analysis and Commentary from Leading Economists, 30.07.2008.
Friederiszick, Hans W./Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2008): "Überwälzungen der Opportunitätskosten von CO2-Zertifikate als Ausbeutungsmissbrauch. Eine ökonomische Analyse". In: Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, Jg. 58, H. 9, S. 929-940.
Prantl, Susanne (2008): "Beihilfen unter Beobachtung. Industriepolitische Förderprogramme müssen verstärkt evaluiert werden". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 119, S. 38-40.
Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2008): "Der Wolf rettet Rotkäppchen. Das geplante Gesetz zur Beschränkung ausländischer Investitionen in Deutschland setzt an der falschen Stelle an". In: Handelsblatt, 07.02.2008, S. 8.
Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2008): "Rettungspakete gefährden den Wettbewerb". In: Handelsblatt, 17.11.2008, S. 10.
Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Friederiszick, Hans W. (2008): "Overcharge Estimations in Cartel Cases. Lessons Learned from a Recent Judgment on the German Paper Wholesaler Cartel". In: Global Competition Litigation Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, S. 1-10.
Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Kreiler, Corinna (2008): "'Freier Handel ist die beste Konjunkturspritze'". In: Spiegel Online, 22.12.2008.
Seldeslachts, Jo (2008): "Synchronising Deregulation in Product and Labour Markets". In: Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 55, No. 5, S. 591-617.

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Beck, Jonathan (2008): Diderot's Rule. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-13. Berlin: WZB.
Clougherty, Joseph/Duso, Tomaso (2008): The Impact of Horizontal Mergers on Rivals. Gains to Being Left Outside a Merger. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-17. Berlin: WZB.
Clougherty, Joseph/Zhang, Anming (2008): Domestic Rivalry and Export Performance. Theory and Evidence from International Airline Markets. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-12. Berlin: WZB.
Prantl, Susanne/Almus, Matthias/Egeln, Jürgen/Engel, Dirk (2008): Kreditvergabe durch Genossenschaftsbanken, Kreditbanken und Sparkassen. Eine empirische Analyse von Förderkrediten für junge, kleine Unternehmen. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-14. Berlin: WZB.
Seldeslachts, Jo/Duso, Tomaso/Pennings, Enrico (2008): On the Stability of Research Joint Ventures. Implications for Collusion. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-15. Berlin: WZB.

Articles in reviewed journals

Duso, Tomaso/Jung, Astrid (2007): "Market Conduct and Endogenous Lobbying: Evidence from the U.S. Mobile Telecommunications Industry". In: Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Vol. 7, No. 1, S. 9-29.
Duso, Tomaso/Neven, Damien J./Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2007): "The Political Economy of European Merger Control. Evidence Using Stock Market Data". In: The Journal of Law & Economics, Vol. 50, No. 3, S. 455-489.

Articles in collective volumes

Duso, Tomaso/Gugler, Klaus/Yurtoglu, Burcin (2007): "Remedies in Merger Control". In: Dieter Schmidtchen/Max Albert/Stefan Voigt (Eds.): The more Economic Approach to European Competition Law. Conferences on New Political Economy, Vol. 24. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, S. 255-266.
Duso, Tomaso/Gugler, Klaus/Yurtuglu, B. Burcin (2007): "EU Merger Remedies. An Empirical Assessment". In: Vivek Ghosal/John Stennek (Eds.): The Political Economy of Antitrust. Amsterdam u.a.: Elsevier, S. 303-348.
Duso, Tomaso/Gugler, Klaus/Yurtuglu, B. Burcin (2007): "EU Merger Remedies. An Empirical Assessment". In: Vivek Ghosal/John Stennek (Eds.): The Political Economy of Antitrust. Amsterdam u.a.: Elsevier, S. 303-348.

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Beck, Jonathan (2007): "The Sales Effect of Word of Mouth. A Model for Creative Goods and Estimates for Novels". In: Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol. 31, No. 1, S. 5-23.
Friederiszik, Hans W./Röller, Lars Hendrik (2007): "Using Economic Analysis to Assess R&D&I State Aid Measures". In: European State Aid Law Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 4, S. 592-604.
Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2007): "Die EU Wettbewerbspolitik. Eine ökonomische Erfolgsstory". In: Die Bank - Zeitschrift für Bankpolitik und Bankpraxis, H. 4, S. 30-32.
Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2007): "EU-Wettbewerbspolitik. Eine ökonomische Erfolgsstory". In: Die Bank - Zeitschrift für Bankpolitik und Bankpraxis, H. 4, S. 30-32.
Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2007): "Forschend in der Politik. Lars-Hendrik Röller blickt auf seine Zeit als EU-Chefökonom zurück". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 115, S. 32-34.
Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Tombak, Mihkel/Siebert, Ralph (2007): "Why Firms Form (or Don't Form ) RJVs". In: The Economic Journal, Vol. 117, No. 522, S. 1122-1144.
Shy, Oz (2007): "Dynamic Models of Religious Conformity and Conversion: Theory and Calibration". In: European Economic Review, Vol. 51, No. 5, S. 1127-1153.

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Duso, Tomaso/Pennings, Enrico/Seldeslachts, Jo (2007): The Dynamics of Research Joint Ventures. A Panel Data Analysis. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2007-12. Berlin: WZB.
Seldeslachts, Jo/Clougherty, Joseph A./Barros, Pedro Pita (2007): Remedy for Now but Prohibit for Tomorrow. The Deterrence Effects of Merger Policy Tools. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2007-02. Berlin: WZB.


Duso, Tomaso/Gugler, Klaus/Yurtoglu, Burcin (forthcoming, 2011):
How Effective is European Merger Control?” In: European Economic Review. [Download]

Duso, Tomaso/Jung, Astrid (forthcoming 2011): “Product Market Competition and Lobbying Coordination in the U.S. Mobile Telecommunications Industry”. In: Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade. [Download]

Buccirossi, Paolo/Ciari, Lorenzo/Duso, Tomaso/Spagnolo, Giancarlo/Vitale, Cristiana (forthcoming, 2011): “Measuring the Deterrence Effect of Competition Policy: The Competition Policy Indexes”. In: Journal of Competition Law and Economics.  [Download]

Duso, Tomaso/Pennings, Enrico/Seldeslachts, Jo (2010): “Learning Dynamics in Research Alliances: A Panel Data Analysis”. In: Research Policy, 39, 6, 776-789. [Download]

Duso, Tomaso/Seldeslachts, Jo (2010): “The Political Economy of Mobile Telecommunications Liberalization: Evidence from the OECD Countries”. In: Journal of Comparative Economics, 2010, 38, 2, 199-216.  [Download]

Duso, Tomaso/Gugler, Klaus/Yurtoglu, Burcin (2010): “Is the Event Study Methodology Useful for Merger Analysis: A Comparison of Stock Market and Accounting Data”. In: International Review of Law and Economics, 2010, 30, 186-192.  [Download]


Aufsätze in referierten  Zeitschriften
Aghion, Philippe/Blundell, Richard/Griffith, Rachel/Howitt, Peter/Prantl, Susanne (2009): “The Effects of Entry on Incumbent Innovation and Productivity”. In: Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 91, No. 1, S. 20-32.

Clougherty, Joseph A./Zhang, Anming (2009): “Domestic Rivalry and Export Performance: Theory and Evidence from International Airline Markets”. In: The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 42, No. 2, S. 440-468.

Clougherty, Joseph A./Duso, Tomaso (2009): “The Impact of Horizontal Mergers on Rivals: Gains to Being Left Outside a Merger”. In: Journal of Management Studies, 2009, 46, 8, 1365-1395.[Download]

Clougherty, Joseph A./Barros, Pedro/Seldeslacht, Jo (2009): “Settle for Now but Block for Tomorrow: The Deterrrence Effects of Merger Policy Tools”. In: Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 52, No.3, S. 607-634.
Abstract und PDF: http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2007/ii2007-02.en.htm

WZB Discussion Papers/Arbeitspapiere
Barros, Pedro P./Clougherty, Joseph/Seldeslachts, Jo (2009): “How To Measure the Deterrence of Merger Policy: Frequency or Composition?” WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-13. Berlin: WZB.
Abstract und PDF:http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2009/ii2009-13.de.htm

Buccirossi, Paolo/Ciari, Lorenzo/Duso, Tomaso/Spagnolo, Giancarlo/Vitale, Cristiana (2009): “Wettbewerbspolitik und Produktivitätswachstum: Eine empirische Bewertung. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-12. Berlin: WZB.
Abstract und PDF:http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2009/ii2009-12.de.htm

Buccirossi,Paolo/Ciari, Lorenzo/Duso, Tomaso/Spagnolo, Giancarlo/Vitale, Cristiana (2009): “Abschreckung im Wettbewerbsrecht”. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-14. Berlin: WZB.
Abstract und PDF:http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2009/ii2009-14.de.htm

Buccirossi, Paolo/Ciari, Lorenzo/Duso, Tomaso/Spagnolo, Giancarlo/Vitale, Cristiana (2009): “Measuring the Deterrence Properties of Competition Policy. The Competition Policy Indexes”. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-15. Berlin: WZB.
Abstract und PDF:http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2009/ii2009-15.de.htm

Clougherty, Joseph A. (2009): “Entwicklungen in der Wettbewerbspolitik und Wirtschaftswachstum: Eine länderübergreifende empirische Untersuchung”. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-16. Berlin: WZB.
Abstract und PDF:http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2009/ii2009-16.de.htm


Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
Banal-Estanol, Albert/Macho-Stadler, Inés/Seldeslachts, Jo (2008): “Endogenous Mergers and Endogenous Efficiency Gains. The Efficiency Defence Revisited”. In: International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 26, No. 1, S. 69-91.
Abstract und PDF: http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2004/ii2004-13.en.htm

Jansen, Jos/Jeon, Soh-Shin/Menicucci, Domenico (2008): “The Organizaiton of Regulated Production: Complemenarities, Correlation and Collusion”. In: International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 26, No. 1, S. 327-353.
Abstract und PDF: http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/1999/iv99-30.en.htm

Seldeslachts, Jo (2008): “Synchronising Deregulation in Product and Labour Markets”. In: The Scottisch Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 55, No. 5, S. 591-617.
Abstract und PDF: http://jo.seldeslachts.googlepages.com/deregulationinteractions.pdf

WZB Discussion Papers/Arbeitspapiere
Beck, Jonathan (2008): “Diderot’s Rule”. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-13. Berlin: WZB.
Abstract und PDF:http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2008/ii2008-13.de.htm

Clougherty, Joseph A./Duso, Tomaso (2008): “The Impact of Horizontal Mergers on Rivals. Gains to Being Left outside a Merger”. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-17. Berlin: WZB.
( Überarbeitete Version)Veröffentlicht in the Journal of Management Studies 46 (8): 1365-1395.
Abstract und PDF:http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2008/ii2008-17.de.htm
Clougherty, Joseph A./Zhang, Anming (2008): “Domestic Rivalry and Export Performance. Theory and Evidence from International Airline Markets”. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-12. Berlin: WZB.
Abstract und PDF: http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2008/ii2008-12.de.htm
Prantl, Susanne/Almus, Matthias/Egeln, Jürgen/Engel, Dirk (2008): “Kreditvergabe durch Genossenschaftsbanken, Kreditbanken und Sparkassen: Eine empirische Analyse von Förderkrediten für junge, kleine Unternehmen”. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-14. Berlin: WZB.
Veröffentlicht in Smollers Jahrbuch, Volume 129/ Issue1/2009.
Abstract und PDF: http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2008/ii2008-14.de.htm
Seldeslachts, Jo/Duso, Tomaso/Pennings, Enrico (2008): “On the Stability of Research Joint Ventures. Implications for Collusion”. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-15. Berlin: WZB.
Veröffentlicht in Canadian Journal of Economics 42 (2): 440-468.
Abstract und PDF: http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2008/ii2008-15.de.htm
Aufsätze in nicht-referierten  Zeitschriften
Prantl, Susanne (2008): “Beihilfen unter Beobachtung. Industriepolitische Förderprogramme müssen verstärkt evaluiert werden”. In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 119, S. 38-40.


Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
Beck, Jonathan (2007): “The Sales Effect of Word of Mouth: A Model for Creative Goods and Estimates for Novels”. In: Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol. 31, No. 1, S. 5-23.
Abstract und PDF http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2006/ii2006-16.en.htm

Duso, Tomaso/Jung, Astrid (2007): “Market Conduct and Endogenous Lobbying: Evidence from the U.S. Mobile Telecommunications Industry”. In: Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Vol. 7, No. 1, S. 9-29.
Abstract und PDF: http://www.springerlink.com/content/n716418777n6g754/

Duso, Tomaso/ Neven, Damien J./Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2007): “The Political Economy of European Merger Control: Evidence using Stock Market Data”. In: Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 50, No. 3, S. 455-489.
Abstract und PDF: http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2002/iv02-34.en.htm

Oz, Shy (2007): “Dynamic Models of Religious Conformity and Conversion: Theory and Calibration”. In: European Economic Review, Vol. 51, No.5, S. 1127-1152.
Abstract und PDF: http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2005/ii2005-12.de.htm

WZB Discussion Papers/Arbeitspapiere
Duso, Tomaso/Pennings, Enrico/Seldeslachts, Jo (2007): “The Dynamics of Research Joint Ventures. A Panel Data Analysis”. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2007-12. Berlin: WZB.
Abstract und PDF: http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2007/ii2007-12.en.htm
Seldeslachts, Jo/Clougherty, Joseph A./Barros, Pedro Pita (2007): “Settle for Now but Prohibit for Tomorrow: The Deterrence Effects of Merger Policy Tools”. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2007-02. Berlin: WZB.
Published in Journal of Law and Economics 52(3): 607-634.
Abstract und PDF: http://www.wzb.eu/mp/dps/abs/2007/ii2007-02.de.htm

Aufsätze in Sammelbänden
Duso, Tomaso/Gugler, Klaus/Yurtoglu, Burcin (2007): “Merger Remedies”. In: Dieter Schmidtchen/Max Albert/Stefan Voigt (Eds.): The More Economic Approach to European Competition Law. Conferences on the New Political Economy, No. 24. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, S. 255-266.