Dr. Daniel Auer

Photo Daniel Auer


daniel.auer [at] uni-mannheim.de
Ehemaliger Mitarbeiter der Abteilung


Daniel Auer ist Postdoc in der Forschungsgruppe Migration, Integration, Transnationalisierung und Fellow an der Universität Mannheim, MZES. Er erhielt seinen Dr. in öffentlicher Verwaltung von der Universität Lausanne und dem Nationalen Forschungsschwerpunkt NCCR – on the move. Davor studierte er an den Universitäten Wien, Urbana-Champaign und Zürich und war Gastforscher in Malmö und Oxford. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migranten unter Einfluss von Policy und Diskriminierung. Ausserdem untersucht er Policy-Effekte im Kontext internationaler Migration. Persönliche Website: daniel-auer.com

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Merchants of death: Arms imports and terrorism (2021) European Economic Review (with D. Meierrieks).

Corruption and the Desire to Leave Quasi-Experimental Evidence on Corruption as a Driver of Emigration Intentions (2020) IZA Journal of Development and Migration (with F. Römer and J. Tjaden).

Can signaling assimilation mitigate hiring discrimination? Evidence from a survey experiment (2019) Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (with Flavia Fossati and Fabienne Liechti).

Compensation or Competition: Bias in Immigrants' Access to Active Labour Market Measures (2019) Social Policy & Administration (with Flavia Fossati).

Ethnische Diskriminierung auf dem Schweizer Wohnungsmarkt (2019) Grenchen: Bundesamt für Wohnungswesen BWO (with Julie Lacroix, Didier Ruedin, Eva Zschirnt)

Who feels disadvantaged? Reporting Discrimination in Surveys (2019) In: Steiner, Wanner (eds.) Migrants and Expats: The Swiss Migration and Mobility Nexus. IMISCOE Research Series. (with Didier Ruedin)

The absent rewards of assimilation: how ethnic penalties persist in the Swiss labour market (2018) The Journal of Economic Inequality (with F. Fossati).

Linking Migration Intentions with Flows: Evidence and Potential Use (2018) International Migration (with J. Tjaden and F. Laczko).

The matching hierarchies model: Evidence from a survey experiment on employers' hiring intent of immigrant applicants (2018) International Migration Review (with G. Bonoli, F. Fossati and F. Liechti).

Language Roulette: The Effect of Random Placement on Refugees' Labour Market Integration (2018) Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 44(3): 341-362.

The Signalling Value of Labour Market Programmes (2017) European Sociological Review 33(2): 257-274 (with F. Liechti, F. Fossati and G. Bonoli).

Why do Immigrants have longer Periods of unemployment? Swiss Evidence (2017) International Migration 55(1): 157-174 (with G. Bonoli and F. Fossati).

Measuring Global Migration Intention, 2010-2015 (2017) IOM GMDAC Data Briefing (with F. Laczko and J. Tjaden).

Les conséquences du travail à temps partiel sur les prestations de prévoyance vieillesse (2016) Conférence suisse des délégué-e-s à l'égalité entre femmes et hommes (with G. Bonoli, E. Crettaz and F. Liechti).