30. - 31. Mai 2024
Constitutionalism Beyond the State and the Role of Domestic Constitutional Courts

The context, significance and legacy of the disputed "Solange I"-decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court from 1974 will be critically (re)assessed with regard to constitutionalism beyond the state.
30. - 31. Mai 2024
Beginn: 13:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Marie-Claire Röpsch, Julian Leonhard
solange-conference [at] wzb.eu
Freitag, 3. November 2023
Part 8 of the Online Event Series "(Un)Solvable Problems?"

Talk by Mattias Kumm

The threat of nuclear war between the United States, Russia or China is greater today than at any time in the past 60 years. The talk will analyze the nature of the threat and argue that the deterrent of mutually assured destruction (MAD), though continuing to impose a disciplining  effect, is an unreliable safeguard against nuclear escalation, generally and particularly in today's strategic landscape. A radical focus on strengthening and building a legal and political infrastructure aimed at avoiding and ultimately, precluding, great power conflict is necessary.

Freitag, 3. November 2023
Beginn: 09:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Friederike Theilen-Kosch
friederike.theilen-kosch [at] wzb.eu
Freitag, 23. Juni 2023
Workshop on liberal constitutionalism and its protection
WZB Global Constitutionalism is partnering with Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Princeton University to host the workshop “The Rule of Law Under Threat.” The workshop is part of the research project called “Constitutions Under Stress” led by Anna-Bettina Kaiser, Jan-Werner Müller, and Silvia von Steinsdorff.
The workshop aims to explore how liberal constitutionalism can be protected and what is the role of the European Union in ensuring its protection. Furthermore, the workshop participants discuss the various forms of the rule of law crises and the possible ways out.
Freitag, 23. Juni 2023
Beginn: 09:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at] wzb.eu
Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2023
Konflikt, Transformation und Strukturwandel des öffentlichen Rechts
Buchvorstellung - Präsenzveranstaltung
Buchpräsentation in Anwesenheit der Autoren. Armin von Bogdandy, "Strukturwandel des Öffentlichen Rechts", und Christian Joerges, "Konflikt und Transformation: Essays zur Europäischen Rechtspolitik"
Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2023
Beginn: 16:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at] wzb.eu
12. - 13. Januar 2023
Online Workshop January 12th/13th
The Solange Conference focuses on the "Solange" case, celebrating its 50th anniversary. The event delves into the concept of constitutionalism extending beyond national borders and explores the role of domestic constitutional courts in this context.
The event aims to foster meaningful discussions, share insights, and deepen the understanding of the complex interplay between domestic and supranational legal frameworks, particularly in the context of EU law. By commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Solange case, participants seek to reflect on its enduring significance and contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding constitutionalism, legal pluralism, and the role of constitutional courts in a globalized world.
12. - 13. Januar 2023
Beginn: 09:30 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Fabian Bunschuh
fabian.bunschuh [at] wzb.eu
Montag, 16. März 2020

11 March 2020 - Coronavirus: update
All public events at the WZB have to be cancelled with immediate effect. This measure will be effective until 20 July 2020. It is based on today's decision by the Governing Mayor of Berlin to introduce a range of urgent measures for Berlin's research institutions to counter the further spread of the Corona-virus.


Workshop and Discussion of the book by Alec D. Walen in the presence of the author

Montag, 16. März 2020
Beginn: 10:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at] wzb.eu
Mittwoch, 27. November 2019
In 1989, roundtable negotiations between undemocratic power holders and the democratic opposition led to a transition from autocratic regimes to liberal democracies in the Visegrád countries: Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland. Although the Soviet-type regimes collapsed not because of classical revolutions, the political transitions resulted in revolutionary changes in the constitutional systems.
On the thirtieth anniversary, the questions we are trying to answer at this workshop are the following: To what extent did the coordinated transformation in the region succeed or fail? Could a round table negotiation serve as a strategical device for restoring democracy and constitutionalism again?
Mittwoch, 27. November 2019
Beginn: 17:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Dr. Kriszta Kovács
kriszta.kovacs [at] wzb.eu
Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2019
Book Launch and Discussion with Wojciech Sadurski
Wojciech Sadurski, distinguished Professor of Law at the Universities of Sydney and Warsaw, will present his new book “Poland's Constitutional Breakdown” (OUP 2019) followed by a discussion with Mattias Kumm (WZB Center for Global Constitutionalism) , Max Steinbeis (Verfassungsblog) and Kriszta Kovács (WZB Center for Global Constitutionalism).
Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2019
Beginn: 18:30 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at] wzb.eu
Samstag, 6. Juli 2019
Scholars Workshop
The Scholars Workshop will discuss papers on global constitutionalism/global governance/human rights. One of the goals of the Workshop is to advance global constitutionalism as an interdisciplinary field. Another is to promote the creation of networks of scholars working in similar fields. Thus, the Center invited submissions from a broad range of disciplines including International Law, Political Science, International Relations, Comparative Constitutional Law, Comparative Politics, Political Theory and Philosophy.

The event is organized and sponsored by the journal "Global Constitutionalism" and co-sponsored by PluriCourts and the WZB Center for Global Constitutionalism. The event is open to the public but registration is required.
Samstag, 6. Juli 2019
Beginn: 09:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Dr. Kriszta Kovács
globcon-journal [at] wzb.eu
13. - 14. November 2018
How Can a Democratic Constitution Survive an Autocratic Majority?
Authoritarianism has been undergoing a reinvention in recent years. It no longer attacks democracy and the rule of law up front but instead tries to adopt the language and even (at least nominally) the institutions of democratic constitutionalism to promote its autocratic aims from within.
13. - 14. November 2018


Ansprechpartner Name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at] wzb.eu
12. - 13. Juli 2018
The WZB Berlin Social Science Center, the European University Institute and the London School for Economics and Political Science are proud to jointly organize the second annual European Junior Faculty Forum for Public Law and Jurisprudence (EJFF).

12. - 13. Juli 2018


Ansprechpartner Name
Fred Felix Zaumseil
ejff [at] wzb.eu
Dienstag, 10. Juli 2018
Lecture by Nicolas Fischer, CESDIP/CNRS

Comment by Irina Mützelburg (CMB)

Drawing boundaries is one of the main functions of modern law. Legal boundaries deeply shape modern societies. They define inclusion and exclusion and differentiate legal status, by that determining who belongs to a society or group – and who does not. This fundamental function of law to define belonging is at the heart of a lecture series organized by the Center for Global Constitutionalism (WZB) together with the Centre Marc Bloch.

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2018
Beginn: 18:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Cornelia Klinghammer
cornelia.klinghammer [at] wzb.eu
5. - 6. Juli 2018

The Scholars Workshop will discuss papers on global constitutionalism/global governance/human rights. One of the goals of the Workshop is to advance global constitutionalism as an interdisciplinary field. Another is to promote the creation of networks of scholars working in similar fields. Thus, the Center invited submissions from a broad range of disciplines including International Law, Political Science, International Relations, Comparative Constitutional Law, Comparative Politics, Political Theory and Philosophy.

5. - 6. Juli 2018
Beginn: 14:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Kriszta Kovács
kriszta.kovacs [at] wzb.eu
Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2018

"The Internationalists. How a Radical Plan to Outlaw War Remade the World" claims that the prohibition of the use of force brought about a radical change in the nature of international law — the Kellogg-Briand Pact, its apparent failure to stop the Second World War and then anchoring of the prohibition of the use of force in the United Nations Charter as a kind of major constitutional moment of the international community. 

Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2018
Beginn: 09:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Kriszta Kovács
kriszta.kovacs [at] wzb.eu
Dienstag, 5. Juni 2018
Paper presentation by Robert Alexy, University of Kiel

We are pleased to be able to welcome Professor Robert Alexy (University of Kiel) as guest speaker to this year's Berlin Colloquium on Global and Comparative Public Law.

This event is part of this semester’s Berlin Colloquium on Global and Comparative Public Law, which is organized by Mattias Kumm.

Dienstag, 5. Juni 2018
Beginn: 18:15 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Fred Felix Zaumseil
fred.felix.zaumseil [at] wzb.eu
Montag, 12. Januar 2015

Die Berliner Stadtmitte ist ein „gewonnener Ort“. Er ist frei für Entwicklungen, die seinem Gewicht in der Vergangenheit entsprechen oder dieses übertreffen. Hier eröffnet sich die Chance, in die Zukunft hinein neuen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden.

Den Umgang mit der Berliner Mitte sowie deren Sinn und Aufgabe für die Gesamtstadt zu klären, ist eine Aufgabe, die Politik und Gesellschaft gemeinsam bewältigen müssen.

Montag, 12. Januar 2015
Beginn: 18:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Anett Szabó
szabo [at] stiftungzukunftberlin.eu
Mittwoch, 28. April 2010
Vortrag von Neil Smelser

Moderated by Klaus Schlichte

Neil Smelser will identify recurrent and possibly insoluble issues in defining, explaining, and defending against contemporary terrorism. He will also explore a number of special „entrapments“ in our response to terrorism, including the role of the mass media, the tension between security and civil liberties, and the tension between the tendencies toward national unity and partisanship in the face of terrorist threats and attacks.

Mittwoch, 28. April 2010
Beginn: 11:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Marie Unger
marie.unger [at] wzb.eu
7. - 9. April 2010
Veranstaltungsreihe der Imgard Coninx Stiftung und der Humboldt-Universität Berlin

7. April
Postcolonial Pluralities: Towards a Habitable Multiculture mit Paul Gilroy

8. April
Kanak Attack Reloaded (Reading of the English Part: Harvey Friedman) mit Feridun Zaimoglu

9. April
Human Rights Revisited: Constitutionalism under Contemporary Global Conditions mit Susanne Baer

7. - 9. April 2010
Beginn: 16:00 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Irmgard Coninx-Stiftung
info [at] irmgard-coninx-stiftung.de
Montag, 26. Oktober 2009
Öffentliche Abendveranstaltung

Im Herbst 2007 endete in Pakistan offiziell die Militärherrschaft von Pervez Musharraf. Wahlen im Frühjahr 2008 setzten eine zivile Präsidentschaft ein. Die pakistanische Zivilgesellschaft hatte vor allem durch eine starke, spontane Protestbewegung der Anwälte gegen militärische Justizwillkür großen Anteil an diesem hoffnungsvollen, demokratischen Neuanfang. Heute, zwei Jahre später, entwickelt sich Pakistan innenpolitisch wieder zunehmend krisenhaft. Die Sicherheitslage bleibt schwierig. Die wirtschaftliche Situation und die Energieversorgung sind fragil.

Montag, 26. Oktober 2009
Beginn: 18:30 Uhr


Ansprechpartner Name
Talat Mahmood
mahmood [at] wzb.eu