Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Grassroots Activism as a Mainstreaming Strategy for the Populist Radical Right

Lecture by Adrian Favero, University of Groningen

Hybrid Event

While the literature on populist radical right parties (PRRPs) has focused on PRRPs on the fringes of the party system, little is known about the grassroots activism of PRRPs that have already entered the political mainstream and have become key players in national politics. Using two paradigmatic cases, the Italian League and the Swiss People’s Party (SVP), Adrian Favero and Mattia Zulianello have investigated when, how and why these parties resort to activism on the local level. Adrian Favero will present the findings of the project.

Dr. Adrian Favero is an assistant professor in European Politics & Society at the University of Groningen. His research explores themes of European integration, party organization, and intra-EU migration.


The event is part of the lecture series Civil Society and Political Conflict, organized by the Center for Civil Society Research.


The event will be recorded. The data protection notice on photo and film recordings can be found here.

The venue is wheelchair accessible. Please let Friederike Theilen-Kosch (friederike.theilen-kosch [at] wzb.eu) know if you need special assistance.