Articles in refereed journals


Charitable giving by the poor: A field experiment in Kyrgysztan, Management Science, 2024, Vol. 70, 633-646 (with Maja Adena and Rustamdjan Hakimov).


How Trump triumphed: Multi-candidate primaries with buffoons, European Economic Review, 2023, Vol. 157, 104506 (with Micael Castanheira, Johannes Leutgeb and Andrew Schotter).

Discrimination, narratives, and family history: An experiment with Jordanian host and Syrian refugee children, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, Vol. 105, 1008-1016 (with Kai Barron, Heike Harmgart, Sebastian Schneider and Matthias Sutter).


Personalized fundraising: A field experiment on threshold matching of donations, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022, Vol. 200, 1-20 (with Maja Adena).

Voluntary ‘donations’ versus reward-oriented ‘contributions’: Two experiments on framing in funding mechanisms, Experimental Economics, 2022, Vol. 25, 1399-1417, (with Maja Adena).


Editorial: Honesty and moral behavior in economic games, Frontiers in Psychology, 2021 (with Agne Kajackaite and Nora Szech).

Discrimination, Narratives and Family History: An Experiment with Jordanian Host and Syrian Refugee Children, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021 (with Kai Barron, Heike Harmgart, Sebastian Schneider and Matthias Sutter).

The Standard Portfolio Choice Problem in Germany, Economic Journal, 2021 (with Christoph Breunig, Tobias Schmidt, and Georg Weizsäcker).


Online fundraising, self-image, and the long-term impact of ask avoidance, Management Science, 2020, Vol. 66, Iss. 2, 722-743 (with Maja Adena).

Games played through agents in the laboratory — a test of Prat & Rustichini's model, Games and Economic Behavior, 2020, Vol. 119, 30-55 (with Ludwig Ensthaler and Johannes Leutgeb).


Giving once, giving twice. A two-period field experiment on intertemporal crowding in charitable giving, Journal of Public Economics, 2019, Vol. 172, 127-134 (with Maja Adena).


Imitation of peers in children and adults, Games, 2018, Vol. 9 (1), Article No. 11, 1-15, (with Jose Apesteguia, Jörg Oechssler, Elke Weidenholzer, and Simon Weidenholzer).


Testing consumer theory: Evidence from a natural field experiment, Journal of the Economic Science Association, 2017, Vol. 3, 89-108 (with Maja Adena and Imran Rasul).

A note on charitable giving by corporates and aristocrats: Evidence from a field experiment, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (Special Issue on Experiments on Charitable Giving), 2017, Vol. 66, 104-111 (with Vittorio Bassi and Imran Rasul).

Payoff information hampers the evolution of cooperation, Nature Communications, 2017, Vol. 8, Article No. 15147, 1-5 (with Johannes Leutgeb and Ryan Oprea).

Matching donations without crowding out? Some theoretical considerations, a field, and a lab experiment. Journal of Public Economics, 2017, Vol. 148, 32-42 (with Maja Adena).


Public statistics and private experience: Varying feedback information in a take-or-pass game, German Economic Review (Special Issue in Honor of Reinhard Selten's 85th Birthday), 2016, Vol. 17, 359-377 (with David Danz and Philippe Jehiel).

Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape patient overtreatment: A laboratory experiment, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (Special Issue on the Experimental Economics of Healthcare) (with Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer and Jean-Robert Tyran), 2016, Vol. 131B, 78-105 (with Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer and Jean-Robert Tyran).

Price competition and reputation in markets for experience goods: An experimental study, RAND Journal of Economics, 2016, Vol. 47, 99-117 (with Gabriele Lünser and Jean-Robert Tyran).

Who knows it is a game? On strategic awareness and cognitive ability, Experimental Economics, 2016, Vol. 19, No. 4, 713-726 (with Dietmar Fehr).


From imitation to collusion: Long-run learning in a low-information environment, Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, Vol. 155, 185-205 (with Dan Friedman, Ryan Oprea, and Simon Weidenholzer).

Comparing charitable fundraising schemes: Evidence from a natural field experiment and a structural modelAmerican Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2015, Vol. 7, 326-369 (with Imran Rasul and Andrew Shephard).


Charitable giving and non-binding contribution-level suggestions: Evidence from a field experiment, Review of Behavioral Economics, 2014, Vol. 1, 275-293 (with Maja Adena and Imran Rasul).

'Though this be madness, yet there is method in't': A counterfactual analysis of Richard Wagner's 'Tannhauser', Music & Letters, 2014, Vol. 95, 584-602 (with Ilias Chrissochoidis, Heike Harmgart and Wieland Müller).

Beliefs and actions in the trust game: Creating instrumental variables to estimate the causal effect, Games and Economic Behavior, 2014, Vol. 88, 298-309 (with Miguel Costa-Gomes and Georg Weizsäcker).

A note on empathy in games, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (Special Issue Institutions, Games, and Experiments in Honor of Werner Güth), 2014, Vol. 108, 383-388 (with Jan Grohn and Justin Valasek).


Automatic imitation in a strategic context: Players of Rock-Paper-Scissors imitate opponents’ gestures, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2012, Vol. 279, 780-786 (with Geoffrey Bird, Richard Cook, Cecilia Heyes, and Gabriele Lünser).

Fundraising on the internet, Kyklos, 2012, Vol. 65, 18-30 (with Martin Bøg, Heike Harmgart, and Abra Marie Jeffers).

Social norms and economic incentives in firmsJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2012, Vol. 83, 173-185 (with Dorothea Kübler and Jörgen Weibull).

Competition fosters trust, Games and Economic Behavior, 2012, Vol. 76, 195-209 (with Gabriele K. Lünser and Jean-Robert Tyran).

Allais for all. Revisiting the paradox in a large representative sampleJournal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2012, Vol. 44, 261-293 (with Wieland Müller).


Aggregate information cascades, Games and Economic Behavior, 2011, Vol. 73, 167-185 (with Antonio Guarino and Heike Harmgart).

No-trade in the laboratory, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (Advances), 2011, Vol. 11, Iss. 1, Article 9 (with Marco Angrisani, Antonio Guarino and Nathan Larson).

Elsa’s reason: On beliefs and motives in Wagner’s Lohengrin, Cambridge Opera Journal, 2011, Vol. 22, 65-91 (with Ilias Chrissochoidis).

Feedback spillover and analogy-based expectations: A multi-game experiment, Games and Economic Behavior, 2011, Vol. 71, 351-365 (with Philippe Jehiel and Tom Rutter).

Matched fundraising: Evidence from a natural field experiment, Journal of Public Economics, 2011, Vol. 95, 351-362 (with Imran Rasul).

Deferred compensation in multi-period labor contracts: An experimental test of Lazear's Model, American Economic Review, 2011, Vol. 101, 819-843 (with Andrew Seltzer and Brian Wallace).


Transaction costs in charitable giving: Evidence from two field experiments, B.E. Journal of Economic Analaysis & Policy (Advances), 2010, Vol. 10, Iss. 1, Art. 31 (with Imran Rasul).

Imitation and the evolution of Walrasian behavior: Theoretically fragile but behaviorally robust, Journal of Economic Theory, 2010, Vol. 145, 1603-1617 (with Jose Apesteguia, Jörg Oechssler, and Simon Weidenholzer).

Behavioral economics as applied to firms: A primer, Competition Policy International, 2010, Vol. 6, 3-45 (with Mark Armstrong).

Consumer networks and firm reputation: A first experimental investigation, Economics Letters, 2010, Vol. 108, 242-244 (with Gabriele Lünser and Jean-Robert Tyran).

Group reputations: An experimental foray, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2010, Vol. 73, 153-157 (with Gabriele Lünser).


Dogville or an illustration of some properties of general equilibrium, The Economists' Voice, 2009, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, Art. 4 (with Heike Harmgart).

The miracle as a randomization device: A lesson from Richard Wagner‘s romantic opera Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg, Economics Letters, 2009, Vol. 102, 33-35 (with Heike Harmgart and Wieland Müller).


Strategien der Erlösung: Über Aspekte der Rationalität in Richard Wagners Tannhäuser, Wagnerspectrum, 2007, No. 1/07, 93-107 (with Heike Harmgart and Wieland Müller).

Imitation - theory and experimental evidence, Journal of Economic Theory, 2007, Vol. 136, 217-235 (with Jose Apesteguia and Jörg Oechssler).

The merger paradox and why aspiration levels let it fail in the laboratory, Economic Journal, 2007, Vol. 117, 1073-1095 (with Kai Konrad, Wieland Müller, and Hans-Theo Normann).

The dynamics of neighbourhood watch and norm enforcement, Economic Journal, 2007, Vol. 117, 270-286 (with Michael Kosfeld).

Reciprocity, social ties, and competition in markets for experience goods, Journal of Socio-Economics, 2007, Vol. 36, 191-203 (with Jean-Robert Tyran).


Averting economic collapse and the solipsism bias, Games and Economic Behavior, 2006, Vol. 57. 264-285 (with Antonio Guarino and Thomas D. Jeitschko).

Spatial voting with endogenous timing, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2006, Vol. 162, 557-570 (with Vicki Knoblauch and Wieland Müller).

Endogenous leadership in teams, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2006, Vol. 162, 253-261 (with Pedro Rey Biel).


Learning trust, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2005, Vol. 3, 322-329 (with Iris Bohnet, Heike Harmgart, and Jean-Robert Tyran).

Learning to like what you have: Explaining the endowment effect, Economic Journal, 2005, Vol. 115, 689-702 (with Georg Kirchsteiger and Jörg Oechssler).

GLAD: A simple adaptive strategy that yields cooperation in dilemma games, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2005, Vol. 200, 133-138 (with Hans-Theo Normann and Jörg Oechssler).

Burning money and (pseudo) first-mover advantages: An experimental study on forward induction, Games and Economic Behavior, 2005, Vol. 51, 109-127 (with Wieland Müller).

Moral cost, commitment, and committee size, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2005, Vol. 161, 575-588 (with Kai Konrad).


Profitable horizontal mergers without cost advantages: The role of internal organization, information, and market structure, Economica, 2004, Vol. 71, 575-587 (with Kai Konrad and Wieland Müller).

Players with limited memory, Contributions to Theoretical Economics, 2004, Vol. 4, Iss. 1, Art. 6. (with Rajiv Sarin).

Repetition and reputation: Implications for trust and trustworthiness when institutions change, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 2004, Vol. 94, 362-366 (with Iris Bohnet).

Playing Cournot although they shouldn’t: Endogenous timing in duopoly with asymmetric cost, Economic Theory, 2004, Vol. 25, 669-677 (with Miguel A. Fonseca and Hans-Theo Normann).

Strategic delegation in experimental markets, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2004, Vol. 22, 561-574 (Wieland Müller and Hans-Theo Normann).

Merger profitability and trade policy, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2004, Vol. 106, 107-122 (with Kai Konrad).

Through trial & error to collusion, International Economic Review, 2004, Vol. 45, 205-224 (with Hans-Theo Normann and Jörg Oechssler).

Two are few and four are many: Number effects in experimental oligoply, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2004, Vol. 53, 435-446 (with Hans-Theo Normann and Jörg Oechssler).

Strategic delegation in experimental markets, International Journal of Industrial Organization 2004, Vol. 22, 561-574 (with Wieland Müller and Hans-Theo Normann).


On the profitability of collusion in location games, Journal of Urban Economics, 2003, Vol. 54, 499-510 (with Vicki Knoblauch and Wieland Müller).

Strategic trade policy and the home bias in firm ownership structure, Japan and the World Economy, 2003, Vol. 15, 299-305 (with Kai Konrad).

Could the Florida election disaster have been avoided by competition among polling stations?, Public Choice, 2003, Vol. 115, 477-484 (with Heike Harmgart).

Zero-knowledge cooperation in dilemma games, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2003, Vol. 220, 47-54 (with Hans-Theo Normann and Jörg Oechssler).


Merger and collusion in contests, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2002, Vol. 158, 563-575 (with Kai Konrad and Wieland Müller).

Absent-minded drivers in the lab: Testing Gilboa’s model, International Game Theory Review, 2002, Vol. 4, 435-448 (with Wieland Müller).

Stability of the Cournot process: Experimental evidence, International Journal of Game Theory, 2002, Vol. 31, 123-136 (with Hans-Theo Normann and Jörg Oechssler).

The East End, the West End, and King's Cross: On clustering in the four-player Hotelling game, Economic Inquiry, 2002, Vol. 40, 231-240 (with Wieland Müller and Nick Vriend).

Reciprocal strategies and aspiration levels in a Cournot-Stackelberg experiment, Economics Bulletin, 2002, Vol. 3, no. 3, 1-7 (with Brian Wallace).

To commit or not to commit: Endogenous timing in experimental duopoly markets, Games and Economic Behavior, 2002, Vol. 38, 240-264 (with Wieland Müller and Hans-Theo Normann).

Do players correctly estimate what others do? Evidence on conservatism in beliefs, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2002, Vol. 47, 71-85 (with Georg Weizsäcker).


Big fish eat small fish: On merger in Stackelberg markets, Economics Letters, 2001, Vol. 73, 213-217 (with Kai Konrad and Wieland Müller).

The relevance of equal splits in ultimatum games, Games and Economic Behavior, 2001, Vol. 37, 161-169 (with Werner Güth and Wieland Müller).

Stackelberg beats Cournot: On collusion and and efficiency in experimental markets, Economic Journal, 2001, Vol. 111, 749-766 (with Wieland Müller and Hans-Theo Normann).

More order with less law: On contract enforcement, trust, and crowding, American Political Science Review, 2001, Vol. 95, 131-144 (with Iris Bohnet and Bruno S. Frey).

Market volatility and inequality in earnings: Experimental evidence, Economics Letters, 2001, Vol. 70, 363-368 (with Hans-Theo Normann and Jörg Oechssler).

Divisionalization in contests, Economics Letters, 2001, Vol. 70, 89-93 Abstract (with Kai A. Konrad and Wieland Müller).

Informational cascades in the laboratory: Do they occur for the right reasons?, Journal of Economic Psychology, 2000, Vol. 21, 661-671 (with Jörg Oechssler).


Social pressure, uncertainty, and cooperation, Economics of Governance, 2000, Vol. 1, 199-212 (with Dorothea Kübler) Abstract.

Perfect vs. imperfect observability: An experimental test of Bagwell's result, Games and Economic Behavior, 2000, Vol. 31, 174-190 (with Wieland Müller).

Why the rich are nastier than the poor: A note on the distribution of wealth when individuals care for payoff differentials, Kyklos, 2000, Vol. 53, 153-160 (with Wieland Müller).

Does information about competitors' actions increase or decrease competition in experimental oligopoly markets?, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2000, Vol. 18, 39-57 (with Hans-Theo Normann and Jörg Oechssler).


Risk, complexity, and deviations from expected-value maximization, Journal of Economic Psychology, 1999, Vol. 20, 699-715 (with Georg Weizsäcker).

The indirect evolutionary approach to explaining fair allocations, Games and Economic Behavior, 1999, Vol. 28, 13-24 (with Jörg Oechssler).

Responder behavior in ultimatum offer games with incomplete information, Journal of Economic Psychology, 1999, Vol. 20, 183-206.

Learning in Cournot oligopoly: An experiment, Economic Journal, 1999, Vol. 109, C80-C95 (with Hans-Theo Normann and Jörg Oechssler).


Informational cascades with continuous action spaces, Economics Letters, 1998, Vol. 60, 163-166 (with Jörg Oechssler).

Trust, treason, and trials: An example of how the evolution of preferences can be driven by legal institutions, Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, 1998, Vol. 14, 44-60.

The limitations of the positional order effect, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 1998, Vol. 34, 313-325 (with Werner Güth and Amnon Rapoport).


Institutions and Preferences: An evolutionary perspective, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 1997, Vol. 153, 771-779.

A new justification of monopolistic competition, Economics Letters, 1997, Vol. 57, 177-182 (with Werner Güth).

From ultimatum bargaining to dictatorship: An experimental study of four games varying in the degree of veto power, Metroeconomica, 1997, Vol. 48, 262-279 (with Werner Güth).


Rationing and rationality, European Journal of Political Economy, 1996, Vol. 12, 641-669.

Two-level ultimatum bargaining with incomplete information, Economic Journal, 1996, Vol. 106, 593-604 (with Werner Güth and Peter Ockenfels).