Research Grants
Russell Sage Foundation, “Authoritarian Policing and America’s Incomplete Democratization” (with Jacob Grumbach and Robert Mickey), $152,000, May 2022.
Co-PI, Grant for Disentangling the Economic Effects of Political Institutions (with Jan Teorell, Svend-Erik Skaaning, John Gerring, and Agnes Cornell, and Carl-Henrik Knutsen), Swedish Research Council (6 Million Swedish Kroner), Grant to Harvard University: $95,000 (2015– 2018).
Challenges to Democracy, Weatherhead Cluster Grant, Harvard University, (with Steven Levitsky), Three-year grant to support undergraduate/graduate training and research ($150,000).
Director and Founder, “Politics Through Time” Research Group, Harvard University, September 2011–2017, (, Funded by Harvard FAS: $200,000.
PI, Weatherhead Grant for the Study of Russian and German Electoral History, Weatherhead Center, 2014: $25,000.
Graduate Seminar in General Education Grant, Harvard University. Grant for design and development of new General Education Course at Harvard University on “Political Corruption.” (with Professor Jim Alt), April 2010.
Stiftung Deutsch-Amerikanische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen, Grant Towards the Etablishment of an International Study Group Project Title: “Democracy and Democratization in Europe” (with Giovanni Capoccia, Oxford University) (EUR 5,000).
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Grant, Three Year Research Fellowship, December 2005–2008 (EUR 27,000): Invited Researcher Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne Germany.
Smith Richard Foundation, Junior Faculty Research Grant, “Securing Democracy: Between Reform and Concession and the Lessons of Democratization in Nineteenth Century Europe,” October 2005 ($60,000).
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Election Observer Trip (German Federal Elections, DAAD Wahlbeobachterreise), September 8–19, 2005 (selected as single American as part of an international group of eighteen political scientists and historians).
Provost's Instructional Technology Content Fund, Harvard University, for the Creation of Research Webpages for Undergraduate Education on the European Union ($3,000), January 2005.
Clarke Cook Fellowship, Harvard University, September 2003–May 2005.
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. Full financial support of graduate education (tuition, books, living expenses, travel, language training, methodology training) 1997–1998, 1998–1999, and 2000–2001.
Social Science Research Council. Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies, Dissertation Research Fellowship, Milan, Italy and Berlin, Germany, September 1999–August 2000.
Center for German and European Studies. UC Berkeley, Pre-Dissertation Summer Fellowship, Summer 1999.
Nominated for Westview Press Price. Best Graduate Student Paper, Midwest Political Science Association Convention, April 1998.
Fulbright/DAAD Fellowship. Post-Baccalaureate Program, Berlin, Germany. Fall 1995–Summer 1996.
Pomona College Scholar. Highest Academic Award Granted to an Undergraduate, 1990–1995. Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude, Pomona College, May 1995.
John Vieg Award in Politics. Awarded to the Top Graduating Student in the Department of Politics, Claremont, CA, May 1995.
Yale B. Griffith Award in Modern Language. Summer Research Grant, Berlin Germany, May–August, 1994
Edward Sait Prize in Politics. Awarded to the Top First-year Student in the Department of Politics, Claremont, CA, May 1992.