BCCP Conference and Policy Forum
Recent developments in AI, such as the much-discussed capabilities and limitations of generative language models like GPT-4, and their policy implications for competition and regulation are the focus of this year's conference. The EU's AI Act could be one of the first steps towards global regulation of AI technologies. On the one hand, task-based predictive systems and new generative tools can improve the allocation and use of resources, enable innovation and increase welfare. On the other hand, uncontrolled deployment and concentration of power could lead to disruption and societal harm, not only in high-risk use cases of AI. In this conference, we will discuss recent developments and regulatory initiatives and provide an outlook on future challenges.
Confirmed speakers
Oren Bar-Gill, Professor of Law and Economics, Harvard Law School
Brando Benifei, Member of the European Parliament
Francesca Bria, Innovation Economist and Digital Policy Expert
Joanna Bryson, Professor of Ethics and Technology, Hertie School of Governance
Alena Buyx, Professor of Ethics in Medicine and Health Technologies, Technical University of Munich
Emilio Calvano, Professor of Economics, Luiss University
Flavio Calvino, Team Leader, Productivity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Division, OECD
Joshua Gans, Professor of Strategic Management, University of Toronto
Moritz Hardt, Director, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen
Amba Kak, Executive Director, AI Now Institute
Maximilian Kasy, Professor of Economics, University of Oxford
Updated information about the event is available on the BCCP Conference website.
We look forward to welcoming you to the BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2024.
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