Daniel Schneiß

Profilfoto Daniel Schneiß


daniel.schneiss [at] wzb.eu
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
Guest of the Research Group

Daniel studied Political Science and Law in Münster and Paris (B.A.) and holds a Master’s in Political Theory from the London School of Economics. Presently, he is about to finish a Master’s in Social Science Research Methods from Humboldt University in Berlin (dissertation under submission).

In the GAP research group, he has assisted research on the transformation of the German automotive industry, on platform lobbying at the European Union, and on the role of algorithmic management in industrial companies.  All these projects discuss and observe present economic, organisational, and, partly, political changes due to the digitalization of work and industry.

Trained in Political Theory and Sociology, his own research tries to connect both disciplines with a specific focus on democratic and socio-technological transformations. Here, he is especially interested in present social movements, as well as the intersection between digital capitalism and socio-ecological transformation from a democratic theory perspective.

Besides his position at the WZB, he is also a research fellow at the Hertie School of Governance for the chair of political communication and sociology.