Agustina Marques Hill

Agustina Marques foto
David Ausserhofer


agustina.marques [at]
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
D 224
Research Fellow of the Research Department

Agustina is a PhD student at the Freie Universität and a Research fellow in the WZB Research Department Skill Formation and Labor Markets with a research grant from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). Her research focuses in School to Work transitions in a comparative perspective with developed and developing economies. Her research interests include Education, Labour Market, Inequality, Social Demography and Quantitative Methodology.



2014-2018       Master in Sociology, University of the Republic, Uruguay

Mention: Research Methods

Dissertation: “Between inclusion and divergence. Vocational Education in the Higher Education System in Uruguay 2000- 2015” 

2009-2013       Bachelor in Sociology, University of the Republic, Uruguay 

Dissertation: "the articulation between agricultural production and the educational offer. A vision from the most dynamic sectors" 

Academic Positions

2020      Research fellow for small project “Literature revision and operationalization on the concept of Good Work” in the President’s Research Group at the Berlin Social Science Center WZB (September to February).

2018- 2019     Research assistant in project "Persistence and graduation in Higher Education between 2005 and 2018. Impacts of the decentralization of UDELAR: Northeast, East and Montevideo regions" funded by the Research Project for the Improvement of the Quality of University Teaching (PIMCEU- CSE-UDELAR). Department of Sociology, University of the Republic.

2018-2019      Research assistant in project "Profile of freshmen, points of bifurcation in the trajectory and disaffiliation in the entrance to the university. A comparative case study in four universities in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay" funded by the Nucleus of Studies and Research in Higher Education of MERCOSUR (NEIES). Department of Sociology, University of the Republic

2015-2018.      Research assistant in the Academic Unit of the Decentralization Unit of the University of the Republic. In charge of students´ and careers´ reports.

2014.     Research Assistant in the project "Follow-up project for students who took PISA assessments in 2009 for longitudinal database (PISA-L 2009)". Department of Sociology, University of the Republic.

Selected Publications

Marques Hill, Agustina/Solga, Heike (2025): "School-to-Work Transition in Chile and Uruguay from the Education-Occupation Linkage Perspective". In: Advances in Life Course Research, No. 63, Article 100654, S. 1-15. (vorab online publiziert 20.12.2024)
Erdmann, Melinda/Marques Hill, Agustina/Helbig, Marcel/Leuze, Kathrin (2023): "Do women's empowerment and self-expression values change adolescents' gendered occupational expectations? Longitudinal evidence against the gender-equality paradox from 26 European countries. Longitudinal evidence against the gender-equality paradox from 26 European Countries". In: Frontiers in Sociology, Vol. Vol 8..
Fernández, Tabaré/Trevignani, Virginia/Cardozo, Santiago/Pacífico, Andrea/Marques, Agustina/Kunrath, Romério/Da Cunha, Da Patricia (2022): Perfil de ingreso, puntos de bifurcación en la trayectoria y desafiliación en el ingreso a la universidad. Un estudio de caso comparado en tres universidades de Argentina, Brasil y UruguayUniversidad Nacional de la Plata, 285 S.
Marques Hill, Agustina (2022): "Viele Probleme, viele Chancen. Übergänge ins Erwachsenenleben in Lateinamerika". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 3=Nr. 177, S. 31-35.
Fernández Aguerre, Tabere/Cardozo Politi, Santiago/Marques Hill, Agustina (2021): "The Education System of Uruguay". In: Sieglinde Jornitz/Marcelo Parreira do Amaral (Eds.): The Education Systems of the Americas. Global Education Systems Series. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 1133-1180.