Prof. Andrew Hurrell

Portrait Foto Prof. Andrew Hurrell (Foto Hurrell)
Foto Hurrell


Former Visiting Researcher of the Research Department


since 2007 Montague Burton Professor of International Relations, Oxford University

since 2007 Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford University

since 2004 and 19941996 Director, Centre for International Studies, Oxford University

2011Elected to the British Academy

2010Elected to the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars

2005San Tiago Dantas Visiting Professor of International Relations, University of Brasilia

0812/2003Global Research Fellow, NYU Law School

2001Head of Department, Area and Development Studies, Oxford University

19961998 and 20002003Director of Graduate Studies in International Relations, Oxford University

19981999Director of Research Training in International Relations

19961999 Chair, Undergraduate International Relations Panel

19941997 Visiting Professor, University of São Paulo

19861989 Assistant Professor of International Relations, The Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna Center

1986 D.Phil. International Relations, St Antony’s College, Oxford

Selected Publications

Power transitions, global justice and the virtues of pluralism’ Ethics and International Affairs 27, 2 (2013): 117.

Récits d’émergence: la fin du Tiers Monde?’ Critique internationale, 56 (July/August 2012): 1738. Brazilian version in Revista Brasileira de Economia Política 33, 2 (April/June 2013): 203221.

Power Transitions, Emerging Powers and the Shifting Terrain of the Middle Ground’, to appear in Cornelia Navari ed., Middle Ground Ethics (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2013). Chinese version to appear in Zheijang University Journal of International Relations.

Kant and Intervention Revisited’, in Jennifer Welsh and Stefano Recchia eds., Just and Unjust Military Intervention (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013): 196218.

Rising Powers and the Emerging Global Order’, to appear in John Bayliss, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens eds., The Globalization of World Politics (8th edition, forthcoming OUP, 2013).

Effective Multilateralism and Global Order’, to appear in Jochen Prantl ed., Effective Multilateralism. Through the Looking Glass of Asia (Palgrave forthcoming). Shorter version to appear in Global Governance 19, 2 (October 2013).

Ethics and Norms in International Relations’ (with Terry Macdonald), in Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse and Beth A. Simmons eds.,Handbook of International Relations (second edition London, Sage: 2013): 5784.

Order and Justice’, in Cornelia Navari ed, International Studies Associations English School Study Guide to be published by John Wiley, 2013.

Probing the institutional fabric of world politics: Hedley Bull’s The Anarchical Society’, in Peter Wilson and Caspar Sylvest eds, Classics of International Relations (London/New York: Routledge, 2013): 138147.

Global Public Power: the subject of principles of global political legitimacy’ (with Terry Macdonald), Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15, 5 (December 2012): 553571.

Emerging Powers, North-South Relations and Global Climate Politics’ (with Sandeep Sengupta), International Affairs 88, 3 (2012): 463484.

The Theory and Practice of Global Governance: The Worst of All Possible Worlds?’, International Studies Review 13, 1 (2011): 144154.