Dr. Britta Grell
2009− 2012 Senior Fellow in the Research Unit "Inequality and Social Integration"
2006 − 2009 Lecturer at the Graduate School of North American Studies, FU Berlin; Research Fellow at the Department of Cultural Studies, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder; self-employed as a social scientist, editor and translator
2000 − 2006 Senior Research Fellow and Associate Professor at the John-F.-Kennedy-Institute of North American Studies, FU Berlin, Political Science Department
1996 − 2000 Self-employed as a social scientist and journalist
1992 − 1995 Research Fellow at the Political Science Department, FU Berlin
1985 − 1992 Study of Political Science, Journalism and North American Studies at the FU Berlin
Selected Publications
Kohler, Ulrich/Ehlert, Martin/Grell, Britta/Heisig, JanPaul/Radenacker, Anke/Wörz, Markus (forthcoming): "Verarmungsrisiken nach kritischen Lebensereignissen in Deutschland und den USA". In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Jg. 64, H. 2.
Grell, Britta (2008): Workfare in den USA. Das Elend der US-amerikanischen Sozialhilfepolitik. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.
Eick, Volker; Grell, Britta (2008): "Nonprofit-Organizations, Employment Programmes and Workfare: Experiences from the US and Germany". In: La Revue LISA 2008, unter: http://lisa.revues.org/864.
Grell, Britta (2007): "Immigrant Rights Campaigns. Transnationale Migranten als Träger neuer städtischer Bewegungen in den USA". In: PROKLA 149, 37. Jg., Dezember 2007, S. 579-595.
Eick, Volker/Grell, Britta/Mayer, Margit/Sambale, Jens (2004): Nonprofit-Organisationen und die Transformation lokaler Beschäftigungspolitik. Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster.