Dr. Emanuela Struffolino
Research fields
Visit my webpage for additional information on publications and ongoing research.
Oxford-Berlin Research Partnership 2019-2020 ``Understanding Family Demographic Processes and In-Work Poverty in Europe", with Johannes Giesecke (Humboldt University of Berlin), Christiaan Monden and Zachary Van Winkle (Oxford University and Nuffield College)
10/2015 – present Research fellow in the research department "Demography and Inequality" at the WZB - Berlin Social Science Center
10/2015 – present Associate researcher at Humboldt University Berlin, Institute for Social Sciences - chair of Microsociology
03/2014 – 09/2015 Research fellow at “NCCR LIVES - overcoming vulnerability: life course perspective”, University of Lausanne
2014 PhD in Sociology at the University of Milan Bicocca, Graduate School in Comparative and International Studies in Social Sciences (SCISS)
2013 Visiting scholar at the WZB, Research Department “Demography and Inequality”
2009 M.A. in Sociology, University of Turin
2006 Erasmus Program, University of Girona
2006 B.A. in Intercultural Communication, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Turin
Devillanova C., Raitano M., Struffolino E., Longitudinal employment trajectories and self-reported health in midlife: new evidence from Italy.
Struffolino E., Bernardi L., Transition to lone parenthood and employment trajectories in Switzerland: a mixed method approach.
2020 - Borri, Giulia/Struffolino, Emanuela (2020): "Politiche di sostegno al reddito in Germania durante l’emergenza COVID- 19: poteva andare peggio, ma anche molto meglio [Income support measures during COVID-19 emergency in Germany]". In: Menabó di Etica e Economia, No. 120, 30.06.2020.
2018 - Struffolino E. and Van Winkle Z., Lavoratrici ma povere [Women who work but are poor], inGenere - Dati, Politiche, Questioni di Genere 6/12/2018.
2018 - Larenza O. and Struffolino E., Perchè il ddl Pillon non è una buona idea [Why the Pillon Law proposal on mantainance after separation is not a good idea], inGenere - Dati, Politiche, Questioni di Genere 11/10/2018.
2017 - Borgna C. and Struffolino E.,Schule und das Push’n Pull Vorzeitiger Schulabgang unter Mädchen und Jungen in Italien, in "Digital Wie Arbeit, Leben, Forschung sich und uns verändern" WZB-Mitteilungen Nr. 155.
2016 - Struffolino E., Mehrfach benachteiligt. Wie Bildung, Job und Einkommen die Gesundheit alleinerziehender Mütter in der Schweiz prägen, in "Familie 2016. Arbeit, Gesundheit und Partnerschaft im Kontext." WZB-Mitteilungen Nr. 153.
2016 – Struffolino E. and Bernardi L., Demos. Family, migration.Demographic information No. 1 June 2016, Neuchâtel: FSO.
2016 – Filandri M. and Struffolino E., Proprietà della casa e riproduzione delle disuguaglianze nella Legge di Stabilità per il 2016[Household tenure and reproducion of inequalities in the Stability Law for 2016], Menabó n.38 - Etica & economia.
2015 - Struffolino E. and Bernardi L., Vulnerability and Lone Parenthood in Switzerland - Verletzbare Elternschaft: Gefährdungen einer Lebensform, Meeting at University of Zürich
2015 - Struffolino E. and Borgna C., L'abbandono scolastico in Italia: genere, risorse familiari e mercato del lavoro, [Early school living in Italy: gender, family resources, and labour market opportunities], Menabó n.16 - Etica economia.
2015 – Struffolino E. and Filandri M., Accumulare povertà? Note sull report dell'ISTAT 'La povertà in Italia 2014', [Cumulating poverty ? Notes on the ISTAT’s report « Poverty in Italy 2014 »], Menabó n. 27 - Etica economia.
Selected Publications
Struffolino E., Bernardi L., Voorpostel M. (2015), Lone Motherhood and Self-reported Health in Switzerland: Does Paid Work Matter? LIVES Working Paper 2015/44, http://dx.doi.org/10.12682/lives.2296-1658.2015.44 ISSN 2296-1658