Prof. Dr. Florian Butollo

Florian Butollo
David Ausserhofer


florian.butollo [at]
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
Visiting Researcher of the Research Group


Dr. Florian Butollo is senior advisor at the Enquete Commission „Artificial Intelligence – Social Responsibility and Economic Potential“ of the German parliament. He also joined the newly founded Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, which is coordinated by the WZB, in November 2018. Where he is working as a post-doc researcher in the reserach group "working in highly-automated digital-hybrid processes" which is implemented by WZB.

Dr. Butollo used to work at the department of Labour, Industrial and Economic Sociology at the University of Jena before his assignment in Berlin. His research interests are digitalisation and labour, work in global production networks, and the transformation of work in China.

Selected Publications

Butollo, Florian (2021): "Digitalization and the Geographies of Production. Towards Reshoring or Global Fragmentation?". In: Competition & Change, Vol. 25, No. 2, Special Issue "Digitalization, Labour and Global Production", p. 259-278. (published online in advance 10.04.2020)

Butollo, Florian/Schneidemesser, Lea (2021): "Beyond 'Industry 4.0'. B2B Factory Networks as an Alternative Path Towards the Digital Transformation of Manufacturing and Work". In: International Labour Review, advance access, 17.05.2021, online:

Butollo, Florian/Jürgens, Ulrich/Krzywdzinski, Martin (2019): "From Lean Production to Industrie 4.0. More Autonomy for Employees?". In: Uli Meyer/Simon Schaupp/David Seibt (Eds.): Digitalization in Industry. Between Domination and Emancipation. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 61-80. (published online 15.11.2019)

Butollo, Florian/ten Brink, Tobias (2018): "A Great Leap? Proactive State Policies and Domestic Market Growth in the Upgrading of the Chinese LED Lighting Industry". In: Global Networks 18 (2), 285-306.

Butollo, Florian/Lüthje, Boy (2017): “Why the Foxconn Model Does Not Die: Production Networks and Labour Relations in the IT Industry in South China.” In: Globalizations 14 (2), 216-231.

Butollo, Florian (2015): "Growing against the odds. Government agency and strategic recoupling as sources of competitiveness in the garment industry of the Pearl River Delta." In: Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 8 (3), 521-536.

Butollo, Florian (2014): The End of Cheap Labour? Industrial Transformation and "Social Upgrading" in China, Frankfurt am Main and New York: Campus .