Dr. Gregor Hofmann
Since 10/2022 Head of the Presidential Department, in co-leadership together with Dr. Corinne Heaven
2021-2022 Officer in the Presidential Department, Berlin Social Science Center / Office of Berlin Research 50 (BR50)
2018–2021 Advisor to the Executive Director, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)
2018 Dr phil (Political Science) at Goethe University Frankfurt/M.
2014 Three-month research stay at the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies, City University New York
2012–2018 Research Associate at PRIF
2011 Master of Arts Political Science, Goethe-University Frankfurt/M.
2010 Intern at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Berlin (Directorate-General for Economic Affairs and Sustainable Development)
2008 Bachelor of Arts Political Science and Political Economy, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
Selected Publications
Hofmann, Gregor P. (2019): Gerechtigkeitskonflikte und Normentwicklung. Die internationale Umstrittenheit der Responsibility to Protect, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Hofmann, Gregor P./Suthanthiraraj, Kavitha (2019): Norm Contestation and Norm Adaptation: R2P’s reframing over time, in: Global Responsibility to Protect, 11:2, 226–253.
Hofmann, Gregor P./Zimmermann, Lisbeth (2019): Introduction – Norm contestation and its effects: challenges to the Responsibility to Protect and the Responsibility to Prosecute, in: Global Responsibility to Protect, 11:2, 137–148.
Hofmann, Gregor P. (2015): R2P Ten Years on. Unresolved Justice Conflicts and Contestation, in: Global Responsibility to Protect, 7, 275-299.
Hofmann, Gregor P./Wisotzki, Simone (2014): Global Governance Efforts in Tension between Humanitarian Concerns and Statist Sovereignty Rights, in: International Negotiation, 19:3, 487–517.
Becker-Jakob, Una/Hofmann, Gregor P./Wunderlich, Carmen/Müller, Harald (2013): Good International Citizens: Canada, Germany, and Sweden, in: Müller, Harald/Wunderlich, Carmen (eds.), Norm Dynamics in Multilateral Arms Control, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 207-245.