Prof. Dr. Jens Alber
Research fields
10 2002 - 09 2011 Professor at the Free University Berlin and Director of the Research Unit "Inequality and social Integration" at the Social Science Research Center Berlin 1991 - 2002 Chair for Social Policy, University of Konstanz, Department of Politics and Management
1986 - 91 Senior Research Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne 1986 Habilitation in sociology, University of Mannheim 1983 - 86 Assistant Professor, Research Institute for Sociology, University of Cologne 1980 - 83 Research Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence (Research Project "The Development of the Western European Welfare State Since the Second World War") 1979 Dr. phil., University of Mannheim (Sociology, Political Science) 1977 - 80 Assistant at the Research Institute for Sociology, University of Cologne, and researcher in the HIWED II-Project 1973 - 77 Research Position in the HIWED-Project (Historical Indicators of Western European Democracies) 1972 - 73 Research and teaching assistant at the chair for Sociology III, University of Mannheim 1972 Magister Artium, University of Konstanz (Sociology, Political Science, Psychology)
Selected Publications
Alber, Jens (2006): "The European Social Model and the United States", European Union Politics 7 (3), 2006: 393-419.
Alber, Jens/Merkel, Wolfgang (Eds.) (2006): Europas Osterweiterung: Das Ende der Vertiefung? WZB-Jahrbuch 2005, Berlin: edition sigma 2006.