Julia Epp

Julia Epp
Martina Sander


Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin


Since 09.2019: Consultant at New Urban Transport Solutions in the project "HyStarter", at Choice GmbH

Since 01.2018:     Research fellow for the research group Sciency Policy Studies in the Kopernikus-project "P2X", WZB

10.2015 12.2017:     M.Sc. Integrated Natural Resource Management, Humboldt-University to Berlin

04.2015 09.2017:     Student assistant at the Innovation Centre for Mobility and societal Change GmbH, Berlin

01.2015 04.2015:     Intern at Green Budget Germany, Energy Politics, Berlin

04.2014 07.2014:     Intern at Greenpeace e.V., Political Unit, Berlin

10.2013 03.2014:     Tutor of the seminar "Public Budget and Finance", faculty Public Administration, University of Constance

03.2013 – 10.2013:     Intern at the state ministry Baden-Württemberg, department Bund-Länder-finance relations, federalism, federal politics, Stuttgart

08.2012 – 01.2013:     Erasmus semester at Sciences Po Bordeaux, France

04.2012 – 08.2012:     Student assistant in the project "Morapol", faculty Comparative Political Science, University of Constance

10.2010 – 04.2014:     B.A. Politics and Public Administration, University of Constance