Dr. Kristin Thompson


kristin.thompson [at] wzb.eu
Antonia Rathmann
D 230
+49 30 25419-172
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
Guest of the Research Group

(née Bothur)



Since 11/2023: Research manager of the research area "Dynamics of Social Inequalities", WZB Berlin Social Science Center (parental leave substitute)

Since 09/2023: Guest of the research group "Globalization, Work, and Production"

02/2021-08/2023: Project managment, Fairwork, https://fair.work/

04/2019:  Dr. rer. pol. in Sociology at University of Bremen, Department of Social Sciences / Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy (SOCIUM) on the topic of labour markets, working conditions and the socioeconomic status of pop and rock musicians in Germany

2015 - 2021: Research manager of the research area "Dynamics of Social Inequalities", WZB Berlin Social Science Center

2013 - 2015: Research coordinator, Centre for Social Policy Research (ZeS) / Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy (SOCIUM), University of Bremen

2012 - 2015: Equal opportunities officer, Centre for Social Policy Research (ZeS)

2009 - 2013: Research coordinator, Research Network „Welfare Societies“, University of Bremen

2007 - 2008: Scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), York University, Toronto

2006 - 2009: Studies of Political Sciences and Public Administration, University of Constance

2004 - 2006: Studies of Philosophy and Social Sciences, University of Erfurt

Selected Publications

Bothur, Kristin, 2020: Musikmärkte. Die Arbeitssituation und sozioökonomische Lage von Pop- und Rockmusiker*innen in Deutschland, Campus: Frankfurt/Main. (Music markets. Working conditions and the socioeconomic status of pop and rock musicians in Germany)