Leslie Quitzow

Porträt Leslie Quitzow
David Ausserhofer


Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin

Torgauer Str. 12-15
Haus 12, 4. Etage
10829 Berlin

Research fields

smart cities | smart electricity grids | urban energy transitions | social studies of technological infrastructures | visions and imaginaries | qualitative research


08/2018 - 12/2018 Visiting scholar at the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society (CSTMS) of the University of California, Berkeley.

2016 - 2019 Managing director of the Academy for Territorial Development's (ARL) International Working Group "Smart Grids - Smart Cities".

2015 - 2018 Associate fellow of the DFG-funded graduate program "The World in the City: Metropolitanism and Globalization from the 19th Century to the Present", TU Berlin

since 11/2013 Coordinator of the Leibniz Research Alliance on Energy Transitions

2010 - 2013 Coordinator of the Future Megacities research project "Young Cities - Creating Energy-efficient Urban Fabric in the Tehran-Karaj Region, Iran", TU Berlin

2007 - 2010 Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Masters degree program "International Cooperation and Urban Development", TU Darmstadt

2006 Post-graduate degree in International Cooperation, HU Berlin

2005 Research assistant for the human rights organization "Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions" COHRE

2004 Diploma in Architecture; thesis on "Indicators of Sustainable Urban Development", TU Berlin


Selected Publications

Rohde, F.; Quitzow, L. (2021): Digitale Energiezukünfte und ihre Wirkungsmacht. Visionen der smarten Energieversorgung zwischen Technikoptimismus und Nachhaltigkeit. In: Braun, K.; Kropp, C. (Hrsg.) In digitaler Gesellschaft. Neukonfigurationen zwischen Robotern, Algorithmen und Usern. transcript-Verlag, p. 189-211. (Open access)

Quitzow, L.; Rohde, F. (2021): Imagining the smart city through smart grids? Urban energy futures between technological experimentation and the imagined low-carbon city. Urban Studies (online first).

Quitzow, L.; Canzler, W. (2018): Diverse Sprachen, Menschen, Inhalte -
Im Leibniz-Forschungsverbund Energiewende wird Interdisziplinarität gelebt
. WZB-Mitteilungen, Heft 159, S. 20-24.

Quitzow, L., et al., The German Energiewende - What's Happening? Introducing the Special Issue, Utilities Policy (2016)  (online first)

Schill, W.-P.; Canzler, W.; Gailing, G.; Quitzow, L.; Uhrlandt, D. (2016): (De-)zentrale Energiewende - Wirklichkeiten, Widersprüche und Visionen: Editorial. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, DIW-Berlin, Jahrgang 85, Heft 4, S.15-27.