Dr. Levent Neyse
Levent Neyse is a researcher in the Market Behavior group at the WZB and the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the DIW, Berlin. He is the co-PI of Lab^2, a hub for replications and meta-science, supported by the Leibniz Assocation.
You can find more information on Levent’s research at https://sites.google.com/site/leventneyse
since October 2020 Research Fellow of the Research Unit Market Behavior, WZB (Berlin Social Science Center)
since October 2017 Research Fellow of the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), DIW (German Institute for Economic Research)
September 2013-September 2019 Research Fellow of the IFW (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), Germany
2013 PhD in Empirical Economics, University of Granada, Spain
2011 MSc Economic Theory, Istanbul University, Turkey
Research fields
Selected Publications
"Does Cognitive Reflection Relate to Economic Preferences and Socio-Economic Outcomes?" (with Frank M. Fossen and Carsten Schröder) Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics (Forthcoming) ----Pre-Analysis Plan
"On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions" (large-scale collaboration led by Schaerer, M., du Plessis, C., Nguyen, M. H. B., van Aert, R. C., Tiokhin, L., Lakens, D, Uhlmann, E. L. et al.) Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. (2023) [Forecasting Collaboration co-authorship]
"Entrepreneurship, Management, and Cognitive Reflection: A Pre-registered Replication Study with Extensions" (with Frank M. Fossen) Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. (2023) ----Pre-Analysis Plan
"Adding household surveys to the behavioral economics toolbox: Insights from the SOEP Innovation Sample" (with Urs Fischbacher, David Richter, and Carsten Schröder) Journal of the Economic Science Association. (2023)
"Changes in risk attitudes vary across domains throughout the life course" (with Neil Murray and Carsten Schröder) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. (2023)
"Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of 45 crowd-sourced experimental designs" (large-scale collaboration led by C. Huber, A. Dreber, F. Holzmeister, J. Huber, M. Johannesson, M. Kirchler and U. Weitzel) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (2023)
"Cognitive reflection and 2D:4D: Evidence from a representative sample" (with Anna Dreber, Frank M. Fossen & Magnus Johannesson) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. (2023) ---- Pre-analysis plan
"2D:4D and Self-Employment: A Preregistered Replication Study in a Large Population Sample" (with, Frank M. Fossen, Magnus Johannesson & Anna Dreber) Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice (2022). ---- Pre-analysis plan
"Oscillatory brain activity associated with skin conductance responses in the context of risk" (with P. Ring, J. Keil, M. Muthuraman, S.Wolff, T. O. Bergmann, C. Probst, U. Schmidt, T. van Eimeren, C. Kaernbach) Journal of Neurophysiology (2021).
"Discounting Behavior in Problem Gambling" (with Ring P., Probst C. C., Wolff S., Kaernbach C., van Eimeren T., Schmidt. U.) Journal of Gambling Studies (2021).
"2D:4D does not Predict Economic Preferences: Evidence from a Large, Representative Sample" (with Anna Dreber and Magnus Johannesson) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2021) ---- Pre-analysis plan
"Exposure to inequality may cause under-provision of public goods: Experimental evidence" (with Pablo Brañas-Garza & Elena Molis) Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2021).
"Depression, Neuroticism and 2D:4D Ratio: Evidence from a Large, Representative Sample" (with Lautenbacher, L. M.) Scientific Reports (2020).
"Risk Attitudes and Digit Ratio (2D:4D): Evidence from Prospect Theory" (with Vieider F., Ring P., Probst C. C., Wolff S., Kaernbach C., van Eimeren T., Schmidt U.) Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2020).
"Income Inequality and Risk Taking: The Impact of Social Comparison Information" (with Schmidt U. and Aleknonyte M.) Theory and Decision (2019).
"It`s all about Gains: Risk Preferences in Problem Gambling" (with Ring P., Probst C. C., Wolff S., Kaernbach C., van Eimeren T., Camerer C. F., Schmidt. U.) Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (2018).
"Risk Preferences and Predictions about Others: No Association with 2D:4D Ratio" (with Miranda K. and Schmidt U.) Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, (2018).
"Payment Scheme Changes and Effort Adjustments: The Role of 2D:4D Digit Ratio" (with Friedl A. and Schmidt U.) Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, (2018).
"Heterogeneous Motives in the Trust Game: a Tale of two Roles" (with Espín A. M. and Exadaktylos F.) Frontiers in Psychology, (2016).
"Gender Differences in Performance Predictions: Evidence from the Cognitive Reflection Test" (with Ring P., David Barett T., Schmidt U.) Frontiers in Psychology, (2016). Press:New York Times
"Overconfidence, Incentives and Digit Ratio" (with Bosworth S., Ring P., Schmidt, U.) Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 23294 (2016).
"Second-to-Fourth Digit Ratio Has a Non-Monotonic Impact on Altruism" (with Brañas-Garza P. and Kovářík J.) PLoS ONE (2013).