Dr. Niccolo Durazzi
2014 PhD candidate in Social Policy Department of Social Policy, LSE Thesis working title: Knowledge Economies and the Political Economy of Skill Formation in Higher Education Supervisors: Dr. Timo Fleckenstein and Dr. Sonia Exley
Oct. 2011 – Dec. 2013 MSc in European Political Economy European Institute, LSE Dissertation title: Inclusive unions in a dualised labour market? Explaining union strategies towards Temporary Agency Workers in Italy / Supervisor: Dr. Bob Hancké
Oct. 2008 – Dec. 2010 MA in International Cooperation, Development and Human Rights University of Bologna, Italy
Oct. 2004 – Dec. 2007 BA in International and Diplomatic Sciences University of Bologna, Italy
Professional experience
Apr. 2016 – Jun. 2016 and Sept. 2015 Visiting Researcher Labour Market and Skill Formation Unit, WZB Berlin Conduct interviews with senior staff in German higher education institutions and employer associations
Sept. 2015 – Dec. 2015 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Social Policy, LSE Class teacher for third-year undergraduate students on “comparative and international social policy” focussing on OECD countries
Dec. 2014 – Jan. 2015 Research Assistant, University of Bern Collected data on education reforms in the UK from the 1950s to date as part of a research project led by Prof. Klaus Armingeon and Prof. Lucio Baccaro on the liberalisation of social policy in OECD countries
Aug. 2013 – Jan. 2015 Deputy Director, LSE Enterprise, LSE Responsible for acquiring and delivering service contracts in the field of social policy funded mainly by European and national institutions; manager of project research teams
Jul. 2011 – Jul. 2013 Project Manager / Researcher, LSE Enterprise, LSE Responsible for managing selected public policy projects and contributing to discrete research tasks within them
Jan. 2010 – Jun. 2011 Project Officer, LSE Enterprise, LSE Responsible for supporting the work of senior academics through project management
Jun. 2009 – Oct. 2009 Project Assistant (intern) CASE, Centre for Social and Economic Research, Warsaw, Poland
Selected Publications
Working papers
Durazzi, N. (2015), Inclusive Unions in a Dualised Labour Market? The challenge of organising labour market policy and social protection of labour market outsiders. LSE ‘Europe in Question’ Discussion Papers Series.
Policy publications and blog articles
Benassi, C. and Durazzi, N. (2014), Italian unions and Renzi’s Jobs Act: opposition and new proposals. NETUF – New European Trade Union Forum.
Benassi, C. and Durazzi, N. (2014), Matteo Renzi must work with Italian trade unions rather than against them if he is serious about reforming Italy’s labour market. EUROPP – European Politics and Policy.
Bartlett, W., Durazzi, N. and Kamphuis, B. (2014), Regional Support to Inclusive Education: Cross-Beneficiary Report. Council of Europe.
Durazzi, N. (2014), Impact of the economic crisis on social, economic and territorial cohesion of the EU - Volume II Case studies: ITALY. European Parliament.
McGrath, C, Durazzi, N., Frearson, M., Corbett, A., Kamphuis, B. (2014), Higher Education Entrance Qualification and Exams in Europe: A Comparison. European Parliament.
Corbett, A. and Durazzi, N. (2014), Europe’s ‘open’ university systems are far from equitable, but all European universities need to rethink their processes for access and success. EUROPP – European Politics and Policy.
Durazzi, N. (2014), The Italian Admission System to Higher Education: Quality, Equity and Mobility Issues. CRUI: Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universita’ Italiane.
Brennan, J., Broek, S., Durazzi, N., Kamphuis, B., Ranga, M. and Ryan, S. (2014), Study on Innovation in Higher Education. European Commission.
Brennan, J, Durazzi, N. and Sene, T. (2013), Things we know and don’t know about the wider benefits of higher education. A review of the recent literature. UK Government, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).
Ranga, M, Hoareau, C, Durazzi, N., Etzkowtiz, H., Marcucci, P. and Usher, A. (2013), Study on University-Business cooperation in the US. European Commission.
Participation in consultancy projects (selected)
Assessment of Youth Employment Initiative
European Parliament: December 2015 – January 2016
Social Inclusion of Young People: Transferability and Implementation of the Youth Guarantee Eurofound; January 2014 – September 2014
Collection and review of skills mismatch policies practices in the EU
Cedefop; June 2013 – August 2014
Regional Support to Inclusive Education in South East Europe: baseline and final survey in pilot schools through participatory action research Council of Europe; December 2013 – September 2015
The Impact of the Crisis on the Economic, Social, and Territorial Cohesion of the European Union European Parliament; September 2013 – April 2014
Higher Education Entrance Qualification and Exams in Europe: A Comparison European Parliament; August 2013 – February 2014
Study on Innovation in Higher Education European Commission, DG EAC; January 2013 – December 2013
Mapping of VET educational policies and practices for social inclusion and social cohesion European Training Foundation; July 2012 – December 2013
Study on University-Business Cooperation in the US
European Commission, DG EAC; March 2012 – March 2013
Feasibility study to examine the potential need for a European student lending facility European Commission, DG EAC; March 2010 – June 2011