Prof. Dr. Nora Szech †
Since 2013 Chair of Political Economy l Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2012-2013 Professor for Industrial Economics l University of Bamberg
2010-2012 Postdoctoral Researcher l University of Bonn
2010 PhD in Economics (Dr. rer. pol.) l University of Bonn (supervisor: Benny Moldovanu)
2006 Diploma in Economics l University of Bonn
Selected Publications
Diffusion of Being Pivotal and Immoral Outcomes, The Review of Economic Studies (with Thomas Neuber and Armin Falk, forthcoming)
A Little Good is Good Enough: Ethical Consumotion, Cheap Excuses, and Moral Self-Licensing, PLoS ONE, Vol. 15, No. 1 (with Jannis Engel)
The Feedback Effect in Markets with Bilateral Investments, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol 182, 106-142 (with Deniz Dizdar and Benny Moldovanu)
Optimal Revelation of Life-Changing Information, Management Science, Vol. 64, No. 11, 4967-5460 (with Nikolaus Schweizer).
Revenue and Welfare in Auctions with Information Release, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 170, July 2017, Pages 86-111 (with Nikolaus Schweizer).
Fleisch und Farbe, WZB-EOC Schriften, Bd. 1, Berlin: WZB 2015 (with Steffen Huck, Anna Becker and Julia Schubert)
Tie-Breaks and Bid-Caps in All-Pay Auctions, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 92, 138-149.
Morals and Markets, Science 340, 707 (with Armin Falk).
Optimal Advertising of Auctions, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 146, Issue 6, 2596-2607.