Prof. Oliver Strijbis, Ph.D.

Portrait Foto Prof. Oliver Strijbis, Ph.D. (Foto: Christine Barwick)
Foto: Christine Barwick


Former Staff Member of the Completed Bridging Project

Research fields

Elections and Popular Votes | Nationalism and Ethnic Identity | Migration and Representation | Quantitative Text Analysis and Prediction Markets


Seit 09/2015 Assistant Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spanien.

Since 01/2014 Senior Researcher at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), researcher affiliated to the Bridging Project "The Political Sociology of Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism" and the research unit "Migration, Integration,Transnationalization".

2011 - 2014 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Comparative Politics at the Institute of Political Science, University of Hamburg, Germany

2010 – 2011 Research Fellow at the Department ‘Civil Society, Conflicts, Democracy’ in the research unit "Migration, Integration, Transnationalisation" at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), Germany

2007 – 2010 Research Assistant, Institute of Politcal Science (Chair: Prof. Dr. Daniele Caramani), University of St.Gallen, Switzerland. Employed in the NCCR Democracy Module “From National to Supra-National Democracy in the European Union” (Leader: Prof. Dr. Daniele Caramani)

2008 – 2012 PhD in International Affairs and Political Economy, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland

2002 – 2007 MA in Political Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Selected Publications

(2015) Aktivierung und Überzeugung im Bundestagswahlkampf 2013, edited with Kai-Uwe Schnapp, Springer VS.

(2014) "Migration Background and Voting Behavior in Switzerland: A Socio-Psychological Explanation", Swiss Political Science Review 20(4), 612 - 631.

(2014) "Beyond self-placement: Why the nationalist and not the left-right divide explains electoral behavior in the Basque Country", with Rafael Leonisio, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociologicas (REIS) 146 (1), 47-66.

(2013) "Prototypical Weighting: Towards a Solution for Macro-Sociological Comparisons of Fuzzy Cases", Journal of Sociological Methods and Research 42(4), 458-482.

(2013) "Measuring the Electoral Mobilization of Ethnic Parties: Towards Comparable Indicators", with Michal Kotnarowski, Party Politics, online first publication, June 25.

(2012) "Cleavages in the Basque Country: Meaning and Salience", with Rafael Leonisio, Regional and Federal Studies 22(5), 595-611.

(2012) "Discrepant Electorates: The Inclusiveness of Electorates and Its Impact on the Representation of Citizens", with Daniele Caramani, Parliamentary Affairs 66(2), 384-404.