Prof. Dr. Rafael Wittek


r.p.m.wittek [at]
University of Groningen
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
Department of Sociology
Grote Rozenstraat 31
9712 TG Groningen
The Netherlands
Former Visiting Researcher of the Research Department


7/2010 Guest of the Research Department "Skill Formation and Labor Markets"

Selected Publications

Wotschack,  Philip/Wittek, Rafael (2013): "Household Governance. Extending the Standard Economic Model of Labour Supply". In: Janneke Plantenga/Joop J. Schippers (Eds.): Veel geluk is geen toeval. Liber Amicorum Jacques Siegers. Utrecht: Utrecht University, S. 48-52.
Pouwels, Babette/Siegers, Jacques/Schippers, Joop/Wittek, Rafael/Wotschack, Philip (2011): "Gulzige organisaties en de verdeling van betaalde en onbetaalde arbeid binnen huishoudens". In: Mens & Maatschappij - Driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor sociale wetenschappen, Vol. 86, No. 1, S. 5-33.
Wotschack, Philip/Wittek, Rafael (2008): "Der Alltag als Balanceakt. Zeitkonflikte und Zeitregullierung in niederländischen Haushalten". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 119, S. 19-21.
Wotschack, Philip/Wittek, Rafael (2007): "Negotiating Work and Household Demands. Effects of Conflict Management Strategies in Dutch Households on the Labor Supply of Male and Female Employees". In: Dominique Anxo/Christine Erhel/Joop Schippers (Eds.): Labour Market Transitions and Time Adjustment over the Life Course. Amsterdam: Dutch University Press, S. 105-123.
Wotschack, Philip/J. Siegers, Jacques/Pouwels, Babette/Wittek, Rafael (2007): "Labour Supply. The Effects of Employer Demands and Household Governance". In: Tanja von der Lippe/Pascale Peters (Eds.): Competing Claims in Work and Family. Cheltenham/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, S. 161-175.