Prof. Dr. Rita Nikolai
Research fields
2007 Head of the BMBF Junior Research Group „Education and Transitions into the Labour Market“ at the Social Science Research Center Berlin
2006 – 07 Research Associate of the Director at the Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany (Prof. Jutta Allmendinger, Ph.D.)
2006 Ph.D. in Political Science, Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg
2004 – 06 Research associate, project: „Educational expenditure in international comparison [Bildungsfinanzierung im internationalen Vergleich]“, funded by the German Research Association, directed by Prof. Dr. Manfred G. Schmidt at the University Heidelberg
2004 – 05 Reasearch Assistant, Dept. Political Science, Chair: Prof. Dr. Manfred G. Schmidt at the University of Heidelberg
2004 M.A. in Political Science, Medieval and Recent History, Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg
1998 – 2004 University education in Political Science, Medieval and Recent History at the Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg
Selected Publications
Policy decentralisation and educational achievement in Germany and the UK. In: Bennett, Robert/Bristow, Gillian/Bulkeley, Harriet/Burroni, Luigi/Rosenberg, Mark (Ed.): Government Devolution and the Welfare State, Sonderheft der Zeitschrifft Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy [with Anne West, Jutta Allmendinger and Ellen Barnham].
Education. In: Obinger, Herbert/Pierson, Chris/Castles, Francis G./Leibfried, Stephan/Lewis, Jane (Ed.): Oxford Handbook of Comparative Welfare States, Oxford: Oxford University Press [with Marius R. Busemeyer].
Bildung in Europa 2010 – Ziele erreicht oder verfehlt?. In: WSI Mitteilungen 63, 171-178 [with Jutta Allmendinger and Christian Ebner].
Education in Europe and the Lisbon Benchmarks. In: Alber, Jens/Gilbert, Neil (Ed.): United in Diversity? Comparing Social Models in Europe and America, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 308-327 [with Jutta Allmendinger and Christian Ebner].
Soziologische Bildungsforschung. In: Tippelt, Rudolf/Schmidt, Bernhard (Ed.): Handbuch Bildungsforschung, 3. revised edition, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden, 47-70 [with Jutta Allmendinger and Christian Ebner].
Die Bildung des Menschen ist unantastbar. Mehr als nur ein Wirtschaftsfaktor: ein Menschenrecht. In: Internationale Politik 64, Nr. 4, 10-16.
Sozialpolitik auf Kosten der Bildung? Verteilungskonkurrenz in Zeiten knapper Kassen. In: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 53, 7-30.
'Education Policy and Social Inequality in German School Policy since 1949', together with Marcel Helbig.
'Institutional and Political Change in Education Policy in Germany, Switzerland and Austria'.
'Rescaling Education Policy'
'Connections between Education Policy and Social '