Dr. Sabine Hübgen

Sabine Hübgen WZB
David Ausserhofer


sabine.huebgen [at] senbjf.berlin.de
Former Staff Member of the Research Department
Former Staff Member of the Completed Research Group

Research fields

Gender and Family | Social Science Research Methods | Welfare State and Social Inequality


since 09/2021 Berlin commission for prevention of child and family poverty

11/2020 - 08/2021 Researcher in the project "COVID-19 and the social and economic situation of women in Berlin"

01/2020 - 10/2020 Visiting researcher in the department "Training and Labour Market

01/2019 - 12/2019 Researcher at the "College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research - A Joint Initiative of the BMBF, the Jacobs Foundation and the Leibniz Association"

02/2019 - 08/2019 Researcher in the project group "National Educational Panel Study", research report for the Fenderal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (6. Armuts- und Reichtumsbericht)

11/2018 Dr. phil. in Sociology at Free University Berlin
Dissertation: "More than 'a husband away from poverty': The importance of social composition and institutional context for explaining lone mothers' poverty in Germany"

since 07/2017 Researcher in the Research Department "Skill Formation and Labor Markets"

01/2014 - 06/2017 Researcher in the Research Department "Inequality and Social Policy"

10/2013- 01/2014 Researcher in the project group "National Educational Panel Study: Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning",  WZB

04/2013 - 09/2013 Student assistant in the Research Department „Skill Formation and Labor Markets”, WZB, project “BEST-UP”

05/2012 - 09/2013 Student assistant in the project group "National Educational Panel Study: Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning",  WZB

10/2010 - 06/2012 Student assistant at the Chair of Macro Sociology, Free University Berlin

2010 - 2013 Master of Arts Sociology – European Societies, Free University Berlin
Thesis: „Woman + child(ren) –Partner= poor? Single mothers’ poverty risk in a European comparison“

2006 - 2009 Bachelor of Arts Sociology, University of Mannheim

Selected Publications

Hübgen, Sabine (2020): "Understanding Lone Mothers' High Poverty in Germany. Disentangling Composition Effects and Effects of Lone Motherhood". In: Advances in Life Course Research, Vol. 44, Article 100327, S. 1-13.
Hübgen, Sabine (2019): "Ohne Partner, mit Kind. Zur wirtschaftlichen Lage alleinerziehender Mütter in Deutschland". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 166, S. 34-36.
Hübgen, Sabine (2019): Armutsrisiko alleinerziehend. Die Bedeutung von sozialer Komposition und institutionellem Kontext in Deutschland. Opladen: Budrich UniPress, 309 S.
Brady, David/Finnigan, Ryan/Hübgen, Sabine (2018): "Single Mothers Are Not the Problem". In: The New York Times - New York Edition, 11.02.2018, S. SR4. (vorab publiziert 10.02.2018, online: http://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/10/opinion/sunday/single-mothers-poverty…)
Zagel, Hannah/Hübgen, Sabine (2018): "A Life-Course Approach to Single Mothers’ Economic Wellbeing in Different Welfare States". In: Rense Nieuwenhuis/Laurie C. Maldonado (Eds.): The Triple Bind of Single-Parent Families. Resources, Employment and Policies to Improve Well-Being. Bristol/Chicago, IL: Policy Press, S. 171-194.
Brady, David/Finnigan, Ryan/Hübgen, Sabine (2017): "Rethinking the Risks of Poverty. A Framework for Analyzing Prevalences and Penalties". In: American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 123, No. 3, S. 740-786.
Hübgen, Sabine (2017): "Armutsrisiko alleinerziehend". In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte - Beilage zur Wochenzeitung Das Parlament, Jg. 67, H. 30-31, S. 22-27.
Hübgen, Sabine (2017): "‘Only a Husband Away from Poverty’? Lone Mothers’ Poverty Risks in a European Comparison". In: Laura Bernardi/Dimitri Mortelmans (Eds.): Lone Parenthood in the Life Course. Life Course Research and Social Policies, No. 8. Cham: Springer Open, S. 167-189.
Hübgen, Sabine (2016): "Eine Frage des Lebensverlaufs. Das Risiko arm zu werden ist nicht für alle Alleinerziehenden gleich". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 153, S. 20-23.

College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research
A Joint Inivitiative of the BMBF, the Jacobs Foundation and the Leibniz Association