Sandra Leumann


sandra.leumann [at]
E 223
Former Staff Member of the Research Department
Research Fellow of the Completed Research Group
Research Fellow of the Research Professorship

Current projects

Solidarity and cohesion in today's society: Views and visions of young people (Stiftung Mercator)

Completed projects

Who cares? Paid and unpaid care work (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)

Who's going to take care of grandma? An application of respondent-driven sampling to the home-based elderly care sector (BMAS/German Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in cooperation with Potsdam University)

Transfer projects

2024/2025 Participation in the Visual Society Programme with the project ‘Solidarity and cohesion in today's society: Views and visions of young people’

2023/2024WZB wirkt’: Film and panel discussion on the project ‘Hidden costs of gender-atypical occupations’

2021 Topic sponsor for the Young Economic Summit student competition ‘Pflege 2030 - Wie dem Nachwuchsmangel begegnen?

2021 Participation in ‘book a scientist’

2018/2019 Participation in the Visual Society Program with the project ‘Who's going to take care of grandma? An application of respondent-driven sampling to the home-based elderly care sector’

Selected Publications

Hipp, Lena/Leumann, Sandra/Kohler, Ulrich (2024): "Employment Arrangements and Well-Being of Migrant Live-In Care Workers. Evidence from a Study of Polish Live-Ins in Berlin". In:, No. 1, Article 1.2, S. 1-34.
Hipp, Lena/Leumann, Sandra/Schober, Pia (2024): Partnership Penalties for Working in Gender-atypical Occupations? Observational and Experimental Evidence from Germany. SocArXiv Paper. College Park, MD: SocArXiv.
Leumann, Sandra (2024): "[Rezension] Andere Länder, andere Sorge(n)?". In: Ethik und Gesellschaft - Ökumenische Zeitschrift für Sozialethik, H. 2, S. 1-11.
Hipp, Lena/Kohler, Ulrich/Leumann, Sandra (2019): "How to Implement Respondent-Driven Sampling in Practice. Insights from Surveying 24-Hour Migrant Home Care Workers". In: Survey Methods: Insights from the Field.