Stefan Schäfer

Portrait Foto Stefan Schäfer (photo: udo borchert)
photo: udo borchert


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Former Visiting Researcher of the Research Department

Research fields

The emergence and design of international institutions | International climate politics


Stefan Schäferwas a guest of the WZB unit "Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions" as a doctoral student of the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies from September 2009 to September 2012. During his stay, he worked on his dissertation project "The Institutional Design of an International Regulatory regime for geoengineering". He currently holds a position as a research fellow at the "Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies" in Potsdam, and is co-director of "Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Engineering Microcosm".

Selected Publications

Zürn, Michael/Schäfer, Stefan (2011): Climate Engineering. Internationale Beziehungen und politische Regulierung - Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung. Berlin: WZB.
Schäfer, Stefan (2009): "Die Zukunft des UNESCO-Welterbesystems. Reformansätze für das 21. Jahrhundert". In: Vereinte Nationen - Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen, Jg. 57, H. 6, S. 243-248.

Dissertation Project: The Institutional Design of an International Regulatory Regime for Geoengineering.