Dr. Tatiana López Ayala
Tatiana López is a guest researcher in the working group Globalization, Work, Production at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and a post-doctoral research fellow in the Department of Economic Geography at the University of Würzburg. Her research focuses on current digital transformation of work in global value chains and in the platform economy. From 2021 till 2022, she worked as a researcher in the Fairwork project evaluating labour standards in the global gig economy. Tatiana holds a diploma degree in Latin American Studies and a PhD in Economic Geography from University of Cologne.
Since 01/2023
Guest researcher at the WZB Social Science Centre in the working group "Globalization, Work, Production"
Post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Economic Geography, University of Würzburg
07/2021 - 01/2023
Research Fellow at the Fairwork Secretariat at the WZB Berlin Social Science Centre
07/2015 - 08/2021
Research Associate at the Department of Economic and Social Geography, University of Cologne
07/2014 – 06/2015
Event Manager at the Mercator Institute for Literacy and Language Education, University of Cologne
06/2013 – 06/2014
Project Coordinator for Brazil at Kindernothilfe e.V.
09/2012 – 05/2013
Carlo-Schmid-Fellow/ Consultant at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), New York
Latin American Studies at the University of Cologne and the University of Campinas, Brazil (Diploma)
Selected Publications
López, Tatiana (2023): Labour Control and Union Agency in Global Production Networks: A Case Study of the Bangalore Export-garment Cluster. Springer Economic Geography Series. Cham: Springer Nature.
Butollo, Florian/ López, Tatiana (2023): Globale Wertschöpfungsketten und internationale Arbeitsteilung. In: Bohn, Rainer; Hirsch-Krainsen, Hartmut; Pfeiffer, Sabine; Will-Zocholl, Mascha (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie. 3. Auflage. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Fuchs, Martina/ Dannenberg, Peter/ López, Tatiana/ Wiedemann, Cathrin/ Riedler, Tim (2022): Location-specific labour control strategies in online retail. ZFW - Advances in Economic Geography. Online first: https://doi.org/10.1515/zfw-2021-0028
López, Tatiana/ Alyanak, Oğuz/Feuerstein, Patrick/ Agüera, Pablo (2022): Lots of work, poor conditions: Health Risks for Workers in the German Platform Economy. WZB-Mitteilungen Nr. 175, March 2022 [Online Supplement].
López, Tatiana/ Fütterer, Michael (2022): Warenketten – aktuelle Konflikte und transnationale Solidarität. In: Zeitschrift für Marxistische Erneuerung, Nr. 129/ March 2022, 85-96.
López, Tatiana / Riedler, Tim / Köhnen, Heiner / Fütterer, Michael (2021): Digital value chain restructuring and labour process transformations in the fast‐fashion sector: Evidence from the value chains of Zara & H&M. Global Networks. Online first: https://doi.org/10.1111/glob.12353
López, Tatiana (2021): A practice ontology approach to labor control regimes in GPNs: Connecting ‘sites of labor control’ in the Bangalore export garment cluster. In: Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 53(5):1012-1030. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0308518X20987563
López, Tatiana/Fütterer, Michael (2019): Gewerkschaft als internationale soziale Bewegung – Das TIE-Orangensaftnetzwerk. In: Ludwig, C., Simon, H., Wagner, A. (Hg.): Entgrenzte Arbeit - (un-)begrenzte Solidarität? Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, 174-90.
López, Tatiana/Fütterer, Michael (2019): Herausforderungen und Strategien für den Aufbau gewerkschaftlicher Verhandlungsmacht in der Bekleidungswertschöpfungskette – Erfahrungen aus dem TIE-ExChains-Netzwerk. In: Ludwig, C., Simon, H., Wagner, A. (Hg.): Entgrenzte Arbeit - (un-)begrenzte Solidarität? Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, 222-238.
López Ayala, Tatiana (2018): Multi-level Production of the Local Labour Control Regime in the Bangalore Readymade Garment Cluster. In: Butsch, C., Follmann, A. und Müller, J. (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zu Südasien: 8. Jahrestagung des AK Südasien, 19./20. Januar 2018. Geographien Südasiens, Band 10. Köln, Heidelberg, Berlin: CrossAsia-eBooks, 20-23.
Fütterer, Michael/López Ayala, Tatiana (2018): Challenges for organizing along the garment value chain. Experiences from the union network TIE ExChains.RLS Studien 2/2018. Berlin: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
López Ayala, Tatiana (2017): Das Buen Vivir als alternatives Entwicklungskonzept? Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Einordnung. Arbeitspapiere zur Lateinamerikaforschung Nr. III-28. Köln: ASPLA.
López Ayala, Tatiana (2016): Nord-Süd-Kooperationen in den Wissenschaften. Von der Kolonialität des Denkens zu einer neuen Perspektive der Pluralität und Interkulturalität. Online: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00105514-12
López, T. (2015). Impulsos del Vivir Bien para una Descolonización de las Ciencias: Desde la Colonialidad del Saber hacia una Perspectiva Plural e Intercultural. In: Fikus, M. / Oberliesen, R. / Tancara, C. (Hrsg.): Estudios de Postgrado en el Contexto transnacional y transcultural - Innovación y Transformación. La Paz / Bolivia, S. 235-256.
Blog articles
Bertolini, Alessio/ López, Tatiana/ Ustek-Spilda, Funda/ Graham, Mark/ Feuerstein, Patrick/ Budu, Joseph (2022): What Does the War in Ukraine Mean for Platform Workers? International Review of Sociology Blog.
Bertolini, Alessio/ Alyanak, Oğuz/ Cant, Callum/ López, Tatiana/ Agüera, Pablo/ Howson, Kelle/ Graham, Mark (2022): Gaps in the EU Directive Leave Most Vulnerable Platform Workers Unprotected. Reshaping Work. Reflection on the Proposed EU Directive.
López, Tatiana/ Graham, Mark (2021): The Fairwork Pledge: Digital labour platforms, precarious work and interventions for a fairer gig economy. OECD Network Forum Series: Tackling Covid-19.
Transfer publications
Fairwork (2022): Labour Standards in the Platform Economy: Fairwork Paraguay Ratings 2022. Oxford, United Kingdom, Berlin, Germany.
Fairwork (2022): Working Conditions in the Global Platform Economy: Fairwork Translation and Transcription Platform Ratings 2022. Oxford, United Kingdom
Fairwork (2022): Work in the Planetary Labour Market: Fairwork Cloudwork Ratings 2022. Oxford, United Kingdom.
Fairwork (2022): Fairwork Brazil Ratings 2021: Towards Decent Work in the Platform Economy. Porto Alegre, Brazil; Oxford, United Kingdom, Berlin, Germany.