Dr. Tobias Wuttke

Tobias Wuttke


tobias.wuttke [at] wzb.eu
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
Guest of the Research Group

Tobias Wuttke is a postdoctoral researcher at Bard College Berlin. In the context of the research project "Global production post Covid-19: Assessing the geographical restructuring of firms and industries in global production networks (Covid-19 and GPNs)" (2023-2025), he is a guest in the WZB research group Globalization, Work, and Production.

Tobias holds a PhD in International Studies from Roskilde University, Denmark. His research agenda lies at the intersection of development economics, global political economy, economic geography and evolutionary economics. It primarily looks at the implications of the emergence of global value chains (GVCs) and global production networks (GPN) for the prospects of export-led industrialization in developing and emerging economies, as well as the role of industrial policy in this process.

Tobias previously worked for the German development organization GIZ in Botswana and Nigeria.


Selected Publications

Whitfield, L., & Wuttke, T. (2024). Incumbent Advantage, Barriers to Entry, and Latecomer Catch-Up in the Global Automotive Industry. CBDS Working Paper 2024/3, Copenhagen Business School. https://research.cbs.dk/en/publications/incumbent-advantage-barriers-to-entry-and-latecomer-catch-up-in-t

Lema, R., Wuttke, T., & Konda, P. (2024). The electric vehicle sector in Brazil, India, and South Africa: Are there green windows of opportunity? Industrial and Corporate Change, 33(6), 1430-1459.

Butollo, F., Staritz, C., Maile, F., & Wuttke, T. (2024). The End of Globalized Production? Supply-Chain Resilience, Technological Sovereignty, and Enduring Global Interdependencies in the Post-Pandemic Era. Critical Sociology, advance online.

Monaco, L., and Wuttke, T. (2023), ‘The South African Auto Industry in a World of GVCs: Lead Firm Sourcing Strategies and Local Supplier Development’, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management.

Wuttke, T. (2023), ‘Global value chains and local inter-industry linkages: South Africa’s participation in the automotive GVC’, The Journal of Development Studies, 59(2), 153-169.

Wuttke, T. (2023), 'Catch-up Industrialization in the Era of GVCs: A case study of the automotive global value chain', Roskilde Universitet, PhD Dissertation, https://forskning.ruc.dk/en/publications/catch-up-industrialization-in-the-era-of-gvcs-a-case-study-of-the