Dr. Yiming Liu

website Yiming Liu
Martina Sander


yiming.liu [at] wzb.eu
Dr. Yiming Liu
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
D 127
Research Fellow of the Research Department


since 10 2019 Research Fellow, research unit Market Behavior, WZB

2019                 Ph.D. in Economics, University of Pittsburgh, Thesis Title:
                         “Essays on Theoretical and Applied Behavioral Economics”

2007-2011      B.A. in Economics with honors, Peking University, Beijing, China

personal website

Selected Publications

The Crowding-out Effect of Formal Insurance on Informal Risk Sharing: An Experimental Study, Games and Economic Behavior, 2014. (joint with Wanchuan Lin and Juanjuan Meng)

Face Masks Increase Compliance with Physical Distancing Recommendations During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Journal of the Economic Science Association, 2021 (joint with Gyula Seres, Anna Helen Balleyer, Nicola Cerutti, Anastasia Danilov, Jana Friedrichsen , Müge Süer)

Confusing Context with Character: Correspondence Bias in Economic Interactions, Management Science, Accepted (joint with Yi Han and George Loewenstein)


Research fields

Behavioral Economics | Experimental Economics