Cover-Foto Jugend
Valentin Goppel


Being young in 2022 means growing up in a world of multiple crises. How should I live and what will I do for a living? How may I contribute to my community? How can I make myself heard? With analyses dealing with the situation of youth and young adults in the labor market, their place in society and in politics, the WZB-Mitteilungen is dedicating its latest issue to this particular stage of life.

A PDF version of the print issue (in German) is available here. The first online contributions can be found on this page.

Extremly manipulated

What is the role of family and the social environment in the radicalization of young people? Are there similarities in socialization with regard to Islamist and right-wing extremist violence? The article by Eylem Kanol and Berivan Kalkan describes the crucial role of socialization in the family and presents analyses from the WZB Protest Monitoring, which is part of the research excellence cluster “Monitoring System and Transfer Platform Radicalization” (MOTRA).


Difficult entry

Some young people find it difficult to gain a foothold in the labor market. Longer periods without employment, education or training can have a lasting negative impact on their further career and social participation. Christian Brzinsky-Fay shows which groups are affected and why.


Young Science

Carla Hornberg and Silvio Suckow have represented the young scientists at the WZB for a year. In an interview with Gabriele Kammerer and Kerstin Schneider, they talk about the motivation, concerns and demands of the next academic generation.
