Former Visiting Scientists
Peter Dietsch
Peter Dietsch was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions in October 2009, from September 2011 to July 2012 as a Humboldt Fellow, and from May to July 2013. He is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Montreal where he teaches and conducts research in ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of economics. At the WZB in October 2009, he worked with Thomas Rixen on a project supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) on the "Principles of a Just International Tax Regime."
Kathleen Thelen
Kathleen Thelen is Ford Professor of Political Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Her work focuses on the origins and evolution of political-economic institutions in the rich democracies. An appointed member of the Board of Trustees of the WZB since 2008, she was a visiting researcher at the research unit Global Governance from mid-May to early July 2013.
Svenja Gertheiss
Svenja Gertheiss is a research fellow at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF/HSFK). She was a visiting researcher at the WZB research unit Global Governance from mid-May to June. During her residency, she worked on her dissertation on "Diasporic Activism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict".
Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt
PD Dr. Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt was a Heisenberg fellow at the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI) from April 2011 to March 2012. Previously, she had held a guest professorship at the department of International Relations at the Otto-Suhr Institute for Political Science, Free University Berlin. Her research fields include negotiation analysis, international political economy, European Union and international organisations. During her stay at the WZB she focussed on the research project "Embedding international negotiations in time". Since April 2012 she is Professor of International Politics at the Institut of Political Science at the University of Dresden.
Peter Dietsch
Peter Dietsch was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions from September 2011 to July 2012, and in October 2009. He is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Montreal where he teaches and conducts research in ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of economics. At the WZB in October 2009, he worked with Thomas Rixen on a project supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) on the "Principles of a Just International Tax Regime."
John Gerring
John Gerring, Professor of Political Science at Boston University, was visiting the unit, Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions, between 26.06-31.07.2012. During his residence, he devoted his time to work on his long-term project "Varieties of Democracy", as well as on his publication work titled "Democracy and Development: A Historical Perspective."
Ian Hurd
IanHurd, Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, USA, was a guest at the Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI) unit between 23.04-01.05.2012. His current research focuses on the interaction between states and international regulations, norms and laws. His various projects cover the subjects of international relations, international law, research approaches and methodology, and international institutions.
Frank Wendler
Frank Wendler is a member of the scientific staff at the Institute for Political Science, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main. From October 2011 to the end of February 2012, he was a guest of the WZB research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI). His research focused on the analysis of parliamentary debates over European integration in four EU member states. The leading question in this regard was to what extent indications for the politicization of supranational governance in the European Union can be observed, and, based upon the thematic structure and interaction logic of debates in country comparison, how this politicization can be explained.
Mathias Albert
Professor Mathias Albert, University of Bielefeld, was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI) from November 2010 to April 2011. His current main research interests are in the areas of world society theory and theory of international relations as well as in youth research. During his stay in Berlin, he worked on a volume edited by himself, Michael Zürn (WZB), and Barry Buzan (London School of Economics). He also devoted some of his time to a second project, a monograph, dealing with the evolution of international politics and policy, and world politics since the 19th century, as an expression of differentiation, as well as the evolution of the political systems of the world society.
Phillip Ayoub
Phillip Ayoub is a doctoral student at Cornell University and an Alexander von Humboldt Scholar. He was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions from October 2010 to March 2011. His research project focuses on international norm diffusion as it pertains to changing legislation and social perceptions of marginalized minorities in an integrating Europe.
Melanie Hanif
Melanie Hanif was a visiting researcher of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions from May to October 2011. She is a doctoral student at the University of Hamburg and an associate researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Her dissertation has the working title “The Impact of founding myth on the legitimacy of regional structures with a reconstruction of the case of Rising India”.
Theresa Kuhn
Dr. Theresa Kuhn was a guest of the WZB research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions where she was situated for the month of September 2011. She completed her doctoral studies in the summer of 2011 at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence; with a dissertation entitled "Individual Transnationalism and EU Support. An Empirical Test of Deutsch’s Transactionalist Theory." She is a post-doctoral Research Fellow at Nuffield College, University of Oxford, in the United Kingdom. During her stay at the WZB she worked together with other scientists on the bridging project entitled "The Political Sociology of Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism"; her work in this regard deals primarily with the underlying causes of Euroscepticism.
Danielle Hanna Rached
Danielle Hanna Rached, doctoral student at the University of Edinburgh, was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions from October through December 2011. During her three-month stay at the WZB, she continued with her current research work on the "International Law of Climate Change: Accountability and Institutional Competence."
Thomas Sommerer
Dr. Thomas Sommerer, postdoctoral fellow at Stockholm University, was a guest of Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions in May 2011. His research focused on the question why and to what extent international institutions opened up to transnational actors. As part of the ERC project 'Transaccess', he worked on an analysis of a database on formal access to 50 international organizations by transnational actors in the period from 1950 to 2010.
Thorsten Thiel
Thorsten Thiel was a visiting fellow at the WZB research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Instituions (TKI) from the mid-July to the end of September 2011. He is a post-doctoral fellow in thecluster of excellence, "The Formation of Normative Orders", at the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University of Frankfurt. His research focuses on the role of oppositional actors in the global order as well as on the transformation of communication between civil society actors and international institutions in the digital realm.
Simone Tholens
Simone Tholens, doctoral student at the European University Institute, was a guest of the WZB research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI) in April and May 2011. Her research focused on the question of why some programs for the disarmament of civilians have been more successful than others. The corresponding case studies dealt with the EU-led program in Cambodia and the UNDP program in Kosovo.
Christian Volk
Dr. Christian Volk heads the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) project on "The Concept of Sovereignty in Transnational Constellation" at the Humboldt University of Berlin, and he coordinates the research group “International Dissidence” at the Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main. From 01 November to 31 December 2011 he was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions; during his one-month stay at the WZB he continued work on the aforementioned DFG research project.
Klaus Dieter Wolf
Professor Dr. Klaus Dieter Wolf (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt and Darmstadt University of Technology) was a guest of the WZB research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI) from November 2010 to April 2011. His research encompasses the problems of, and approaches towards, developing just peace orders against the background of the privatization of transnational politics by civil society groups and organizations, transnational corporations, and networks of criminals or non-state armed groups. During his stay at the WZB, Klaus Dieter Wolf worked on a monograph with the preliminary title "Regulierte Selbstregulierung jenseits des Staates", which deals with normative questions of private self-regulation and public control of these issues in a global governance framework.
Jacint Jordana
Jacint Jordana, Professor of Political Science and Public Administration at the University of Pompeu Fabra, and Director of the Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEU), was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI) from November 2009 until July 2010, as well as in summer 2007. His main area of research is public policy analysis, with special attention given to regulatory policy and regulatory governance. His most recent publications include articles on the diffusion of regulatory institutions, the comparative development of domestic public policies, and policymaking in policy networks. Since 2005 he is also co-chairperson of the ECPR standing group on Regulatory Governance. At the WZB Professor Jordana worked on the project 'Global Diffusion of Autonomous Regulatory Agencies and the New Challenges of Regulatory Governance.'
Donatella della Porta
Donatella della Porta, Professor of Sociology at the European University Institute Florence, was a guest of the WZB research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions from 01 October to 30 November 2010. Her research on social movements, terrorism, political violence, and public order policing is of high international renown. Professor della Porta's work at the WZB dealt in particular with transnationalism and global justice.
Bernd Schlipphak
Bernd Schlipphak was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions in September 2010. He is a post-doctoral fellow and a lecturer at the University of Salzburg in Austria. His current research interests focus primarily on the influence of public opinion on governmental preferences and the attitudes of citizens toward regional integration projects.
Antje Vetterlein
Antje Vetterlein was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions from August 2010 until December 2010. She is assistant professor at the International Center for Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School. Her research area is international political sociology; her particular interests are in the politics of development, the relationship between economy and society, focusing on political actors and practices at the transnational level, and the role of ideas and norms in international politics. Specifically, her research concentrates on international organizations and multinational corporations, and issues of legitimacy and accountability in international politics. At the WZB she worked on a project investigating the World Bank's and the IMF's changing views on development.
Bernhard Zangl
Professor at the Institute for Global Governance at the Ludwig Maximillian University of Munich, he was a WZB fellow and a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI) from March to September 2010. During his residency, he worked on two projects: "The Politicization of International Institutions: Empirical Evidence from Global Economic Governance" (together with Thomas Rixen) and "Introduction to International Relations" (together with Michael Zürn and Alexander Spencer, LMU Munich). Bernhard Zangl was also previously a guest of the TKI from March 2008 to August 2008. At that time, his work focused on ongoing transformations of the state and the legalization of international politics.
Peter M. Haas
Professor Peter M. Haas from the Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts in Amherst, was 2009 Karl W. Deutsch Guest Professor at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB). He was hosted by the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI) from October to the end of December 2009. Professor Haas is among the most renowned environmental researchers in the area of international relations; his 'epistemic communities' methodology, developed in the 1990s, has become a foundation of environmental politics, policy research and analysis today. During his stay at the WZB Peter Haas worked on a large-scale book project analyzing the evolution of multilateral environmental governance, integrating constructivist and institutional insights about the influence of international organizations and scientific networks on the form and effectiveness of international environmental governance (in particular UNEP).
David Hugh-Jones
David Hugh-Jones, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Government at the University of Essex, was a guest of the research unit, Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI), in July and August 2008. His dissertation project focused on interactions between direct and representative democratic institutions.
Jennifer Erickson
Jennifer Erickson was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions from August to December 2007. Ms. Erickson was a Ph.D. candidate from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, USA. During her stay at the WZB, she culminated the fieldwork in Europe upon which her dissertation is based. The subject of her dissertation is conventional arms export controls; the research seeks to understand the the emergence of new national and multilateral standards of arms export controls for small and major conventional weapons, and includes both a statistical overview of states' exports and detailed case studies.
Peter Mayer
Peter Mayer, Professor for International Relations at the University of Bremen, was a visiting scholar and joint guest of the WZB research units, Innovation and Organization, and Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI), from October 2007 to February 2008. His research interests include the theory of international politics, international ethics, and the theory and practice of international governance, in particular security policy. During his stay at the WZB he worked on a book about the regulation of the Internet.
Georg Sörensen
Georg Sörensen, Professor for International Politics and Economics in the Department of Political Science at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions from January through June 2007. During his stay at the WZB, Professor Sörensen continued with work he was pursuing on a project entitled "Liberalism's Finest Hours? World Order and Disorder in a New Century."
Johan Karlsson
Johan Karlsson was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions (TKI) from April to June 2006. Mr. Karlsson is a graduate in political science and international relations from Göteborg University in Sweden; at that time, he was a Ph.D. candidate in the same institution in the Department of Political Science.
Johannes Schwehm
Johannes Schwehm, M.A., was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions from January to September 2006. His research focused on combining elements from political philosophy and theories of international relations. Mr. Schwehm was a Ph.D. candidate and fellow of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The subject of his dissertation is "Theory and Context: Theory Building in Political Science, Given the Challenges of Postnational Constellation."
Scott Siegel
Scott Siegel was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions from February 2005 to August 2006. During his stay at the WZB, Mr. Siegel, then a Ph.D. candidate, worked on his dissertation dealing with variations in compliance with EU law in the area of the free movement of goods. Mr. Siegel has since received his doctorate from the Department of Government at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, USA.
Stephen B. Watts
Stephen B. Watts was a guest of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions in April 2005. As a Ph.D. Candidate from Cornell University and research fellow from the Brookings Institution, Mr. Watts' research brought him to Germany where he conducted interviews to gain insight into the German perspective on interventions in weak and failed states.