“Coevolution of Capitalism and Political Representation: The Choice of Electoral Systems”
by Thomas R. Cusack, Torben Iversen and David Soskice. American Political Science Review 104/2: 393-403.
"Diverse Disparities: The Politics and Economics of Wage, Market, and Disposable Income Inequalities"
by Pablo Beramendi and Thomas R. Cusack. Political Research Quarterly, 62/2: 257-275.
"Economic Shocks, Inequality, and Popular Support for Redistribution"
by Thomas R. Cusack, Torben Iverson, and Philipp Rehm, in Pablo Beramendi and Christopher J. Anderson, eds., Democracy, Inequality, and Representation: A Comparative Perspective. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, pp. 203-231.
"Economic Institutions, Partisanship, and Inequality"
by Pablo Beramendi and Thomas R. Cusack, in Pablo Beramendi and Christopher J. Anderson, eds., Democracy, Inequality, and Representation: A Comparative Perspective. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, pp. 93-126.
"Economic Interests and the Origins of Electoral Systems"
by Thomas R. Cusack, Torben Iverson and David Soskice. American Political Science Review, 101/3: 373-391.
"Sinking Budgets and Ballooning Prices: Recent Developments Connected to Military Spending"
by Thomas R. Cusack , in Francis G. Castles, ed., The Disappearing State? Retrenchment Realities in an Age of Globalisation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 103-132.
"Taxing Work"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Pablo Beramendi. European Journal of Political Research, 45/1: 43-73.
"Risks at Work: the Demand and Supply Sides of Government Redistribution"
by Thomas R. Cusack, Torben Iversen and Philipp Rehm. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 22/3: 365-389.
A National Challenge at the Local Level: Citizens, Elites and Institutions in Reunified Germany
by Thomas R. Cusack. Aldershot: Ashgate.
"Parteien, Institutionen und Staatsausgaben"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Susanne Fuchs, in Herbert Obinger, Uwe Wagshal und Bernhard Kittel, Hrsg., Politische Ökonomie: Politik und wirtschaftspolitische Leistungsprofile in OECD-Demokratien. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, pp. 395-428.
"Partisanship in the Setting and Coordination of Fiscal and Monetary Policies"
by Thomas R. Cusack. European Journal of Political Research, 40/1: 93- 115.
"The Causes of Welfare State Expansion: Deindustrialization or Globalization?"
by Torben Iversen and Thomas R. Cusack. World Politics, 52/3: 313- 349.
"Näherung oder Richtung? Der Theorienstreit der Wahlforschung aus der Sicht politischer Repräsentation"
by Christian Welzel and Thomas R. Cusack. In Jan van Deth, Hans Rattinger und Edeltraud Roller, eds., Die Republik auf dem Weg zur Normalität? Opladen: Leske + Budrich, pp. 297-330.
"The Shaping of Popular Satisfaction with Government and Regime Performance in Germany"
by Thomas R. Cusack. British Journal of Political Science, 29: 641-672.
"Partisan Politics and Fiscal Policy"
by Thomas R. Cusack. Comparative Political Studies, 32/4: 464-486.
"Social Capital, Institutional Structures, and Democratic Performance: A Comparative Study of German Local Governments"
by Thomas R. Cusack. European Journal of Political Research, 35/1: 1-34.
"Die Unzufriedenheit in der deutschen Bevölkerung mit dem politischen System"
by Thomas R. Cusack. In Max Kaase and Günther Schmidt, eds., WZB Jahrbuch-1999. Berlin: Sigma.
"Partisan Politics and Public Spending"
by Thomas R. Cusack. Public Choice, 91/3-4: 375-395.
Advancing the Scientific Study of War
Edited by Stuart A. Bremer and Thomas R. Cusack. London: Gorden and Breach.
"Pennies from Heaven: Entry Fees to a Socialist `Paradise'"
by Klaus Zimmermann and Thomas R. Cusack. Public Choice, 81: 277-295.
"The Security Predicament: Assessing the Effectiveness of Realist and Idealist Principles in Interstate Politics"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Richard J. Stoll. International Studies Quarterly, 38:33-59.
"On the Theoretical Deficit in the Study of International War"
by Thomas R. Cusack. International Interactions, 19/1-2: 149-158.
"Multistate System Stability: The Benefits of a Collective Security Approach"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Richard J. Stoll, in Reiner K. Huber and Rudolf Avenhaus, eds., International Stability in a Multipolar World. (Baden-Baden: Nomos) pp. 21-36.
"The Endless Election: 1990 in the GDR"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Wolf- Dieter Eberwein, in D. Berg-Scholsser and R. Rytlewski, eds., Political Culture in Germany. (London: Macmillan) pp. 188-212.
"Realpolitik and Multistate System Stability"
by Thomas R. Cusack in Volker Bornschier and Peter Lengyel, eds., Waves, Formations and Values in the World System, World Society Studies, Vol. II. (New Brunswick: Transaction) pp. 89-116.
"On the Domestic Political-Economic Sources of American Military Spending"
by Thomas R. Cusack, in Alex Mintz, ed., The Political Economy of Military Spending in the United States. (New York: Routledge) pp. 103-131.
"Balancing Behavior in the Interstate System, 1816-1976"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Richard J. Stoll, International Interactions, 16/4: 255-270.
Exploring Realpolitik: Probing International Relations Theory with Computer Simulation
by Thomas R. Cusack and Richard J. Stoll, (Boulder, Co.: Lynne Rienner Publishers).
Rationality's Reward in a Warring State System
by Thomas R. Cusack and Richard J. Stoll, in Charles Gochman and Alan Sabrosky, eds., Prisoners of War (Lexington: D.C. Heath) pp. 191-206.
"Adaptation, State Survival and System Endurance: A Simulation Study"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Richard J. Stoll, International Political Science Review, 11/ 2: 261-278.
"Realpolitik and the Bases of Multistate System Endurance"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Uwe Zimmer, Journal of Politics, 51/2:247-285.
"Political-Economic Aspects of Public Employment"
by Thomas R. Cusack, Ton Notermans and Martin Rein, European Journal of Political Research, 17:471-500.
"The Management of Power in a Warring State System: An Evaluation of Balancing, Collective Security and Laissez-Faire Policies"
by Thomas R. Cusack in Richard J. Stoll and Michael D. Ward, eds., Power in World Politics (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers) pp. 209-226.
"Public Expenditure Decision Making: A Comparative Analysis"
by Thomas R. Cusack in J. Lybeck and M. Hendrekson, eds., Economic Perspectives on the Growth of Government in the Industrialized Countries (Amsterdam: North-Holland) pp. 51-91.
"Government Budget Processes"
by Thomas R. Cusack in S.A. Bremer, ed.,The GLOBUS Model: Computer Simulation of Worldwide Political and Economic Developments. (Frankfurt/ New York and Boulder, Co.: Campus Verlag and Westview Press) pp. 325-458.
"One Problem, Three Solutions: A Simulation Analysis of Alternative Western Defense Policy Options"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Wolf-Dieter Eberwein in C. Lutz, ed., Demokratie zwischen Sachzwang und Erneuerung (Rueschlikon: GDI Schriften) pp. 123-147.
"Exploring Alternative Taxation and Defense Policies in the Western Nations"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Barry Hughes in D. Karns, Changing Patterns and Enduring Structures in a Waning Century (New York: Praeger) pp. 237-272.
"Contention and Compromise: A Comparative Analysis of Budgetary Politics"
by Thomas R. Cusack, Journal of Public Policy, 5/3 497-519.
"The Evolution of Power, Threat and Security: Past and Potential Developments"
by Thomas R. Cusack, International Interactions, 12/4 151-198.
"Vom Frieden zum Krieg: Eine Anwendung der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie auf die Entstehung von Kriegen"(From Peace to War: An Application of Probability Theory to the Genesis of War)
by Stuart A. Bremer and Thomas R. Cusack, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Sonderheft 14, 131-147.
"Die Lasten der Verteidigung: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung"(The Burdens of Defense: A Comparative Analysis)
by Thomas R. Cusack. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Sonderheft 14, 81-93.
"Prelude to War: Incidence, Escalation and Intervention in International Disputes"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Wolf-Dieter Eberwein, International Interactions, 9/1 9-28.
"Military Spending in the United States, Soviet Union and People's Republic of China"
by Thomas R. Cusack and Michael D. Ward, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 25/3 429-469.
"Periodicity, Inexorability and Steersmanship in International War"
by J. David Singer and Thomas R. Cusack in R.L. Merritt and B.M. Russett, eds., From National Development to Global Community, London: Allen and Unwin pp. 404-422.
"The Political Economy of U.S. Military Spending"
by Miroslav Nincic and Thomas R. Cusack, Journal of Peace Research, 16/2 101-115.