Dr. Anna Froese
Research fields
2017 - present Project Manager
2015 - present Independent Expert for European Commission: Knowledge Alliances, Rights, Equality & Citizenship
02 / 2012 - present Research Fellow, Research Group 'Science Policy Studies'
2007 - 2012 Doctoral dissertation: Organizational Design of German Universities, Technische Universität Berlin, Chair in Organization and Leadership
2009 Research stay supported by German Acacemic Exchange Service, Stanford University, MIT, Rockefeller University
2008 - 2011 Researcher and Project Manager, Technische Universität Berlin, Chair in Gender & Diversity in Organizations
2006 - 2008 Strategic Controller for Structure and Development Planning, Technische Universität Berlin
2004 - 2006 Personal Assistant to the President, Technische Universität Berlin
1998 - 2003 Masters in Business Administration, Freie Universität Berlin
Selected Publications
Anna Froese/Martina Schraudner (2010): Diversity Management- Strategien US-amerikanischer und australischer Universitäten: Konzepte, Modelle und Erfahrungen im internationalen Kontext, In: Diversity im Innovationssystem, hrsg. v. Martina Schraudner. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, S. 45–77.
Anna Froese/Martina Schraudner (2010): Implementing Diversity Management: A good practice study on contemporary implementation methods employed by large companies in the German-speaking countries. In: The Innovation Potential of Diversity, hrsg. v. Peter Ohlhausen et al., Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, S. 21 - 46.
Anna Froese/Martina Schraudner (2009): Enhancing Innovation through Diversity Management – A State of the Art-Study of Large Enterprises in Germany. In: Conference Proceedings of the 10th International CINet Conference- Enhancing the Innovation Environment, Brisbane, Australia, 6th –9th September 2009.
Interdisciplinarity and Research Creativity: New ways of generating impact
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